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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/5/21

Hi friends!
Noah here….how are you on this Sunday evening?
Ok, today is one of those days where I have way too much to show you but I couldn’t decide what to cut so you’re getting it all.
And that means we move fast.
First up:
Support Mike Lindell and Get Your Christmas Shopping Done In One Shot!
That’s right, with shipping times we’re getting dangerously close to last call for orders for Christmas.
So don’t wait too much longer!
Just released today from Hank Kunneman, trust me you do not want to miss this:
This is hilarious and awkward:
Watch Jen Psaki Find Out the Horrendous Job Numbers LIVE on MSNBC
And this is very serious….
Huge violations of the Constitution…
Huge violations of personal rights….
Where are these people?
Has anyone seen them?
Are they ok?
MTG Announces Press Conference Slamming “Unusually Cruel” Treatment of J6 Political Prisoners
Sound the alarm!
Share that everywhere!
MTG is 100% right.
Next up, you tell me, in your whole life have you ever seen the most conditioned athletes on the planet ever drop dead during a match?
How about two at once?
BREAKING: Two German Footballers Collapse ‘Suddenly & Unexpectedly’ During the Same Match
Wake up people!
Great Sunday message from our friend Pastor Robb that I am pleased to share with you:
And a big update from Timothy Dixon too:
I originally saw this next one on FlashPoint and then had to share it with you.
He understands the Bill of Rights probably better than 99% of Americans and the scary thing is we are about to lose them all:
MUST SEE: Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s Incredible Speech About The Bill of Rights
That was so good I want everyone to see it.
And also this….
The sequel to “The Plan to Save the World”:
It’s not over yet, not by a long shot.
And how about this:
WATCH: BioNTech CEO Uğur Şahin Admits He Has Not Taken the COVID-19 Jab
These people make me sick!
How stupid do they think we are?
We’re not going to let them get away with it and I hope you won’t either.
Next up is a personal favorite of mine.
I grew up watching Bill O’Reilly each night.
He was one of the best there ever was.
So please read my personal message and milestone:
NEW MILESTONE: A Special ‘THANK YOU’ To All Readers & Message To Bill O’Reilly
Bill, call me!
Then we have this:
What are they so afraid of?
This is criminal, period….point blank.
And are you ok with masks….”forever”?
You better be if you live in the communist state of Oregon:
Oregon Votes to Make Mask Mandates PERMANENT; What States Are Following Suit?
Or Australia:
Unvaccinated Australians Held in Internment Camps, Shocking Hidden Camera Footage Appears to Show
And we end with our top story:
What do you think?
Write me back and let me know!
Your friend,
Thank you for always supporting Mike and MyPillow!
Despite almost every big name store canceling his products, Mike Lindell’s business has not suffered losses due to patriots around the world still continue to buy his products.
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Mike’s Egyptian Cotton sheets are the only sheets I will ever buy after trying them last year.
I just bought two more sets this morning to support this man.
And the towels are soft and actually work! Imagine that!
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This special Promo Code benefits MyPillow, you and WeLoveTrump….it’s a win-win-win!
The only loser? Deep State Big Retailers.
Let me know down in the comments if we missed any….
Oh and by the way, MyPillow makes the PERFECT Christmas Gift if you needed something for a family member.
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