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Largest New York City Police Union Sues De Blasio



As a former New Yorker I say good.

De Blasio’s policies have outright destroyed a once great city, as New York has seen a mass exodus since the start of the ‘pandemic’.

High costs of living, surging crime rates, and crippling business regulations have essentially rendered the city unlivable, and the worst part is the ever increasing tax burden, to fund this experiment in municipal destruction.

De Blasio  jumped on the chance to enforce Biden’s tyrannical mandates….this was not a decision which was given much thought, or which came by way of great difficulty for him.

NYPD’s largest police union responded by suing Bill de Blasio for attempting to forcefully vaccinate New York’s officers with experimental and unproven drugs.

If it’s bad for liberty, it’s good in the eyes of New York’s public officials, and we have seen decisions like this impact law enforcement all over the country……

No wonder why people are flocking to get off a sinking ship which will go down in history as one of the greatest disasters since the fall of Detroit.

Here’s more on the story:

The Epoch Times had more:

The Police Benevolent Association union sued over Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, which goes into effect for all police officers and other city workers on Friday, Oct. 29.

“The City has provided no explanation, much less a rational one, for the need to violate the autonomy and privacy of NYPD police officers in such a severe manner, on the threat of termination,” the lawsuit said, adding that the current policy to either mandate vaccines or testing for COVID-19 is “sufficient enough.”

Newsmax added:

More than 100,000 city workers are facing a Nov. 1 deadline to get at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, while 71% of the city have already reached that goal, according to reports.

The NYPD, which has 34,500 uniformed personnel and about 17,700 people in non-uniformed support positions, is around 69% vaccinated, while 77.4% of city adults are.



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