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Noah’s Newsletter – 10/7/21

Hey friends,
Noah here and boy oh boy are we loaded up tonight!
Gonna have to move fast.
And if this is your first time receiving the Newsletter in several months….WELCOME BACK!
We have been censored by two separate companies who hated how much truth we were bringing each night and how fast we were growing.
It was a big set back but we’re back now and better than ever!
I’ll publish the full story soon.
For now, let’s hit today’s news….
We start with this:
WATCH: Ugandan Family That Illegally Crossed Southern Border Board American Airlines Flight With No ID
No ID, I’m sure not vaccinated, and probably no criminal check or vetting of any kind.
Meanwhile, I can’t fly without getting a full body cavity search, 3 jabs, and a full face mask.
Waking up yet?
Then we have this and you’ll never guess who replaced him:
Trump Left Off Newest List of Richest Americans?
And this is now 100% confirmed.
How that isn’t front page news all over the country I have no idea.
The only question is…..why?
Biden Mocked for Using Fake White House Set with Digital Windows, Rose Garden
Georgie Boy is buying crypto.
Look, I’m no fan of Soros and I think long-term crypto becomes very problematic.
But right now?
I think it’s gonna skyrocket.
You taking the ride or sitting out?
George Soros Buying Up Crypto, What Does He Know?
And then we have this….
Oh my.
Shot up a school and released same day?
Is it because he’s b_____?
Suspected High School Shooter Released from Jail, Media Silent
I report, you decide!
And you don’t want to miss this from Mike Lindell….
If you’ve wanted to grab some of his stuff or if you just want to show him your support, now is the time:
Support Mike Lindell By Getting Bedsheets (Finally Back In Stock!), Slippers and Even Art At MyPillow.com
This sale ends in 24 hours and is the only time I’ve ever seen where you can get a MyPillow pillow for under $20.
***Go to MyPillow.com and use promo code WLT to get the deal.***
And THANK YOU to everyone who continues to support Mike!
They make great gifts too, hint, hint!
Actually, I recommend the Pajamas and the Bed Sheets and the Bath Towels as gifts if you already have the pillows.
And we had 11 Republicans once again out themselves as RINOs today:
BREAKING: Here Are The 11 Republicans Who Just Voted With Dems To Raise the Debt Ceiling
Write down the names.
Remember them.
Vote them out!
And we got another one it looks like:
Arizona Democrat And Former Mayor Charged In Ballot Fraud Case
Then we have this:
FJB: Grab Your FREE “F🇺🇸CK Joe Biden” Hat or Beanie!
This will be the last day I tell you about these because supplies are running low.
So if you want a free hat or beanie, now is the time to grab one.
We have more on the way, but it might be a while.
And we end with our top story:
Maricopa County Officials Admit Under Oath that They Deleted 2020 Election Data
Yeah, that would be a FELONY, do I have that correct?
Ok, that’s a wrap.
See you back here tomorrow for the Friday edition.
Your friend,
p.s. Some of these are already sold out, but we still have some left!
We all know what it stands for!
Let’s wear them everywhere and let the world know we do NOT recognize this imposter as our President!
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