Noah’s Newsletter – 9/30/21

Hey everybody!
Happy Thursday evening to you….
Boy oh boy do I have a lot of information for you tonight.
This is one of those days where I have so much to show you and I don’t know what to cut so I’m just going to give all to you.
Let’s move quickly….
First up, in case you missed it late yesterday, in a stunning turn of events the Biden Regime has been caught FAKING a White House set.
Yes folks, what we all have long-suspected is now PROVEN, see it here on Fox News:
WE WERE RIGHT: Joe Biden’s Booster Jab Was 100% Faked! Fox News Confirms!
And check this next one out….
You know why they don’t want you taking Ivermectin?
Because it’s a Generic drug and they can’t make any money on it.
But they will with this:
Pfizermectin? Is Pfizer Rebranding Ivermectin to Use to treat Covid-19?
If you want to get the REAL (and cheap!) Ivermectin, I have all the details for you here:
How To LEGALLY Get Ivermectin and Other C19 Treatments!
Just remember who has been telling you about Ivermectin for the last two weeks and writing big articles about the TRUTH behind Ivermectin…..
Your friend and trusted investigative news journalist — NOAH!
This next message is for senior citizens or anyone with money in the bank….
Here’s what’s coming next:
ALERT: The Fed’s Tricky Game to Rob Your Savings!
And a day ago I brought you this urgent message direct to President Trump from Robin Bullock, mixed with my own urgent, personal message to our POTUS:
MUST SEE: Robin Bullock’s URGENT Personal Message To President Trump!
Then today I found that Amanda Grace had released almost the EXACT same message at the EXACT same time!
In other words, she couldn’t possibly have known Robin Bullock was saying this because they were releasing their messages at the same time.
That means it’s legit:
URGENT: Amanda Grace Posts Message Directly In Line With Robin Bullock’s Call To President Trump!
And for weeks I’ve been telling you about “vaxxidents”….
Here’s the latest:
Military Doctor Whistleblower Files Affidavit to Ground All Vaccinated Pilots & Flight Crews
Next we move to Durham.
If you thought his indictment last week was all he had, think again!
Jim Jordan just gave all the info on Fox News:
Jim Jordan: Durham Has MUCH More Than Sussman Coming Next!
And we end with our top story which is something totally awesome….
For months, the FlashPoint crew has kept a red emergency phone line open for President Trump to call.
It finally happened today.
And it was just as good as we all expected.
I have it for you here, enjoy:
President Donald J. Trump LIVE On FlashPoint!
I told you that was a lot!
Ok, that’s all for tonight and I will see you back here tomorrow!
Your friend,
p.s. If you missed it, you can find last night’s Newsletter right here.
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