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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 1/23/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.

Let’s jump right in, such a big day and I’m sure you want all the details on New Hampshire.

I’ve got you covered.

President Trump not only won but he made history:

President Trump Wins New Hampshire, Sets New Record

And Birdbrain still refuses to drop out.

Despite Second Consecutive Loss, Nikki Haley Refuses To Drop Out

Next she'll lose Nevada (Trump is up 95%!!) and then she'll lose in her home state of South Carolina.

They are trying as hard as they can but they can't rig it for her, Trump's lead is too big!

Remind anyone else of 2016?

And these are truly great:

Real Americans Respond To Trump’s Victory Over Haley In NH — Haley Widely Hated

Next up we have massive job cuts in the Legacy Media:

Day of Reckoning? Major Media Outlet Announces MASSIVE Layoffs, Nearly One-Quarter of Newsroom Cut


And that comes on the heels of Citi Bank slashing 20,000 jobs earlier this week.


Got Gold?

Got Bitcoin?

You're going to want both:

GREATEST Financial Event in Human History – Bitcoin’s 2024 CYCLE! Bo Polny

And I told you this was coming last week....

Now here it is:

Report: Michelle Obama’s Secret Plot to Replace Joe Biden EXPOSED

Anyone else sick and tired of being poisoned?

JUST IN: FDA Proposes Ban Of Popular Food Additive: “No Longer Considered Safe”

Maybe it's time to Switch?

Read this:

Where Do You Shop If You Leave Target? HERE!

Bad news next, but looks like we head to the SCOTUS next:

BREAKING: Trump Loses Gag Order Fight in Jack Smith Election Case

Back to New Hampshire, this was one of my favorite moments of the day:

Crowd Erupts For Donald Trump On Live TV In New Hampshire

And early on the Legacy Media was cheering on Nikki Haley winning an entire town....

(of 6 people)

Turns out that was the high water mark for her of the day:

Legacy Media Cheers Nikki Haley For Winning “Entire Town” In New Hampshire

Oh and did you know this?

REVEALED: Nikki Haley’s Real Name

And heads up on this....

Trouble with the Big Boys?

Wal-Mart Announces First Store Closings Of The Year

Before I go, one heads up on something....

I know how much people have been loving these Save America beanie hats.

They're awesome!

But here's the deal....I just found out tonight that we had the pricing wrong on the 3x and 5x packs.

You can get a Free One (just pay shipping) and you can also grab a 3x or 5x pack if you want.

Well, turns out we're losing a lot of money on the 3x and 5x packs.

True story.

As soon as my web guy wakes up, we're changing the prices to what they were SUPPOSED to be but I figured I'd give you last call if you wanted to grab one at the wrong prices.

My loss is your win, enjoy it while it lasts, check availability here:

Your friend,



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Growing faster than I can keep up!

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