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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 1/28/22



Hi friends!

Noah here with your Friday Newsletter!

Got a lot coming your way tonight, starting with something we have reported on from the very beginning.

Looks like our reporting was right again:

WATCH: Prof. Werner Bergholz Finds Nanoparticles and Ethylene Oxide on COVID Test Swabs

So incredibly sad to see this:

WATCH: Funeral Director John O’Looney “I’ve Never Seen as Many Deaths,” Reports Increase in Thrombosis Deaths in Young Vaccinated Adults

A disgusting “agenda” that’s for sure:

Justice Breyer’s Exit Plays Right Into Biden’s Far-Left Plan

And I love to see this:

Former CEO Of Oil Company Gets 60 Months In Prison!

Isn’t it great to see some of Hollywood finally starting to speak out against the poison jabs?

Marvel Actress Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates

Then we have this:

Texas Brothers Accused of Beating Stepfather to Death For Allegedly Sexually Abusing Their 9-Year-Old Sister

I say free them immediately, they did nothing wrong it sounds like to me!

How about you?

And in case you haven’t seen this, it’s our most popular story:

LEAKED: Rockefeller Speech From ’91 Exposes Evil Plot

The Biden Regime caught red-handed on this next one:

US Government Hired Contractors To Secretly Fly Illegal Immigrants To New York At Night

And please continue to show Mike some love and support.

We have to stick together and support our own:

NEW: Mike Lindell’s Christian Kids Pillows…ONLY at MyPillow!

Great idea for your kids too!

And we end with our top story of the day…

Can you even believe this?

The NY Times even starting to change their tune and report the truth:

New York Times Changes Tune—Admits That Unvaccinated At Less Risk Than Vaccinated

The tide is turning my friends…hang in there!

Your friend,



Thanks for STANDING WITH MIKE!  Your support means a lot.

Check availability here… 👇 


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