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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 1/29/22



Hi friends!

Noah here with your Saturday edition of the Newsletter!

I worked almost nonstop today…so much to cover that I could barely keep up.

And here is the best-of-the-best.

First, we start with a guy who seemed to support Trump for most of his career, even being filmed with a MAGA hat in his locker a few years ago.

Tom Brady is retiring after 22 seasons in the NFL:

BREAKING REPORT: Iconic NFL Quarterback Tom Brady Will Retire After 22 Seasons

I don’t personally watch NFL anymore, but this was a big story.

Ok, now if you missed the massive Trump Texas Rally tonight or want to jump in right now, you can see it right here.

I have four links for you so you won’t miss it:

Watch The Texas Trump Rally LIVE — Here’s How!

This next one is something I’ve been hunting for for quite a while and I finally found it.

You won’t even believe your ears as you listen to Klaus Schwab bragging about how he has infiltrated basically every government of the world:

VIDEO FOUND: Klaus Schwab Admits To “Penetrating The Cabinets” Of Most World Governments


Even the creepy German Hitler accent.

You can’t make this stuff up!

Next I have something really fun…

I have an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour with Mike Lindell as your tour guide, going through one of their massive MyPillow warehouses!

This thing is humongous!

Watch here:

Mike Lindell Gives Behind-The-Scenes Tour of His GIANT MyPillow Warehouse!

**Remember to support Mike by buying DIRECT from and use promo code WLT to get the max savings**

How sad is this next one?

Just makes me furious even thinking about it:

Vaccinated 20-Year-old Model Claire Bridges Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack and Has Both Legs Amputated

Next up is probably our most popular article in weeks…

And for good reason.

Stock up while they’re back in stock to keep your whole family safe:

Dr. Zelenko Reveals: “Zinc Is The Bullet That Kills The Virus. The Only Problem Is The Bullet Doesn’t Get To…”


Next, it appears Justin Trudeau is literally in hiding, having fled to an unknown location:

Justin Trudeau Flees Capital As Convoy of 50,000 Trucks and Crowds of Supporters Descend on Ottowa

The official story is he has COVID and is isolating, but I think he’s on the run and scared of the Trucker Convey.

Quite literally the people of Canada may overthrow that government soon.

You heard it here first folks…

I think Castro’s son knows that and I think that’s why he has fled.

More to come on this one!

And yet ANOTHER incident as four different games had to be cancelled today:

Four English Football League Matches Halted Saturday Afternoon Due to Medical Incidents in the Stands

Nothing to see here, I’m sure….right CDC?

Right vaxx makers?

Makes me sick!

Today we learned this from Mike Pence:

Mike Pence Reveals The Last Time He Spoke To President Trump

Do you trust Mike?

Not me.

This next one is a must see and you really have to just watch yourself:

Another Massive CRINGE Moment As Kamala Harris Tries To Plug In An Electric Car [MUST SEE]

Oh my…

But she’s qualified for the Supreme Court?


Next up is a massive laugh coming your way.

I love this guy:

Captain Deplorable Is Back: Trump Gives The Weather Report

So funny!

Close your eyes and I guarantee you can’t tell it’s not actually Trump!

And we end with our top story that is going viral:

Biden Posts From Fake White House Set — Where Is He Really?

This is beyond weird.

And we fact-check the fact-checkers and we win once again.

Your thoughts?

Leave a comment or send me an email, I’d love to hear from you.

Your friend,



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