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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 1/3/23



Hey friends,

Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter!

Things got crazy today in the House:

House Adjourned For The Day After McCarthy Gets Denied 3 TIMES

Here’s my take…

I’m 100% on team Tucker and 100% against Hannity.

Hannity says it’s an embarrassment.

Tucker says it’s a great experience in Democracy.

I agree with Tucker.

Let people vote the way they want to vote, even if it leads to chaos!

I’m tired of the pre-planned deals!

No more pre-planned deals!

Here is Trump:

President Trump Weighs In On House Speaker Vote

Should Jim Jordan be Speaker?

Jim Jordan for House Speaker?

Next we go to the former Pope:

Pope Benedict XVI’s Last Words Revealed

And something that is very special to me…

I mean, it is NOAH after all:

Noah’s Ark: The New Evidence

I thought this was very interesting to be posted in 2023:

Is Joe Biden Allowed In The White House?

And is today the day we finally break wide open?

National Red-Pill Moment? Heart Attack Confirmed.

We end with our top story:

MUST SEE: How 22 Modern Villains Rose To Power

So good!

Please remember to follow us at Daily Noah on Twitter…

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It’s safe and fun again:

That’s a wrap!

Your friend,



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