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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/10/22



Hey friends,

Noah here with the busiest Monday I can remember in a LONG time.

This Newsletter is going to be long tonight, is that ok with you?

I couldn’t justify cutting any of these articles so let’s just move fast and get them all in.



First up, a very big thank you to a good friend and reader who sent me this video.

It is beyond horrendous and God will not be mocked.

Watch it and get my thoughts here — if you can stomach it:

HERESEY In The Church: “Do You Have Any Questions For Miss Penty-Cost?”

Next up is a real beauty…

I’ve already got this added to my playlist for my next workout at the gym.

I’ve listened 5 times and can’t get it out of my head.


Next up…can we get a little wild?

A little “out there”?

Ok cool.

This will rattle some of you, but we seek the truth wherever we can find it and the truth is the Bible talks 116 times about a still, flat, enclosed Earth — not a round ball hurling through space:

Biblical Trees Beyond the Ice Wall…?

Next up is a whistleblower exposing Facebook.

I believe within the next 2 years we will see Facebook completely implode.

Couldn’t happen to better people (sarcasm alert).

This too is very hard to watch, so a big warning here too:

Facebook Whistleblower Reveals Censorship Guidelines for Moderators – WARNING!

Next let’s hit some humor.

Yes, SNL finally mocked Joe Biden, and YES, it was actually funny!

Short clip, watch here:

Saturday Night Live Actually Roasts Joe Biden…And It’s Funny!

Next up is a guy I literally gave a standing ovation to here in my office as I watched this.

Bravo Pastor!

Let’s share this and support him for speaking the truth:

MUST SEE: Church ERUPTS After Black Pastor Destroys Biden Regime!

Big update next from Bo Polny…

The news before the news, read all the details here:

Bo Polny: Black Monday Coming, Prepare For An Ambush!

Next we go to a really creepy video.

This guy totally creeped me out with his tone of voice.

Felt like something demonic speaking through him.

Please help us continue to expose the Freemasons:

WARNING: Freemason Admits Lucifer Is His God

And then we have Kari Lake.

Totally awesome:

Kari Lake Demolishes Her ‘Twice-Convicted Racist’ Opponent During Trump Rally

Speaking of Kari Lake, it’s confirmed that she has the BDE.

Here’s what that means:

Kari Lake Has BDE — Here’s What It Means…


Thank you so much to my friend Mark for chatting with me about that today.

Next we go to Hillary and Bill for our October 2022 update of the KCL:

Updated Clinton Kill List: The List of People “Who Mysteriously Died” After Being Associates With The Clintons [October 2022]

How about you?

Do you have 93 friends who all died under “suspicious circumstances” or suicide?


Right — me either.

I don’t even have five!

Then we have an old clip of Joe Biden on the Late Show that surfaced today.

You cannot honestly watch this and tell me it’s the same guy they’re running out there right now.

I know people age, but this is not the same dude:

ORIGINAL JOE: Is This The Same Guy?

And then we have Don The Lemon…

Signing off on CNN from his 10pm show and he is making headlines with what he said.

I don’t remember any of this, do you?

Don Lemon Gives His Final Sign Off On CNN — And It’s a Doozy!

Love this next one…

We’ve been covering this for several months now and it appears to STILL be true!

Anyone live close and can verify for me?

I would love to get a brand new, on site video….

Anyone want to be a WeLoveTrump reporter for a day?

Message me and let’s make it happen!

OOPS! White House Visitor Center Appears to Show that Donald Trump is STILL President!

And we end with our top story of the day.

This is big news folks, don’t sleep on this:

Mark Finchem Shocks CBS Anchor: Announces Democrat Blows Whistle on “35,000 Manufactured Votes”

I told you it was a huge day!

Let me know which story was your favorite.

Your friend,



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Click here to check it out!

And be sure to Bookmark it.

I’ve heard from a lot of people who have made it their new homepage….smart!




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