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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/11/21



Hey friends,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter!

It was so good to see so many of you joining us on Telegram today!

Remember, I want you to follow me over there in case our email Newsletter ever gets censored again.

Telegram has NO censorship and you can send me a message 1-to-1 and I’ll see it.

Here are the instructions (in case you get stuck):

VERY IMPORTANT: Here’s How To Find Us On Telegram!

And then you should follow my Telegram Channel here:

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So important.

Ok, now on with the news from today!

Big day.

First up is something you never would have thought could happen in America:

16 Year Old Girl Suspended & Arrested For Not Wearing Mask At Wyoming School

So sad.

And I love this next one.

For everyone who enjoys Timothy Dixon, you’re gonna totally love this.

This video shows every single prophetic word he’s given that has already come to pass:

Timothy Dixon: Prophecy Update / Mississippi Runs Backwards / New York Floods / Financial Crash

The only one that hasn’t yet is the last one.

You wanna bet against it?

Not me.

And then we have big news about Mike Lindell today:

Mike Lindell Has Just Been Inducted Into The Christian Hall Of Fame!

Nobody more deserving….

Congrats Mike!

And speaking of Mike, we also had this:

ICYMI: Fighting Back: Mike Lindell Launches “MyStore” To Compete With Amazon

Thank you for always supporting Mike and everything he is doing.

Use promo code WLT at and I can save you up to 66% off your order!

Next we go to Jonathan Cahn.

Another favorite of mine and I know of yours.

Unfortunately, this is not a warm and fuzzy message.

Danger may be on the horizon according to Cahn:

Jonathan Cahn: The Ominous Afghanistan Harbinger! Prophetic Warning!

Next up is a special message about how to protect your savings and not lose it all if we have the big crash that Timothy Dixon is talking about:

GUIDE: In Uncertain Times, How To Put Gold and Silver Into A Tax-Sheltered Account!

Are you ready?

You prepared?

Ok, next up is another revelation about Ivermectin:

Did the NIH Quietly Approve Ivermectin for EUA to Treat COVID-19?

Why are we suddenly finding out that all the powerful people took Ivermectin and left you and me and the elderly to die on respirators?

This is criminal!

By the way, in case you missed it, you might need to bookmark this:

UPDATED: How To LEGALLY Get Ivermectin and Other C19 Treatments!

And check out this bombshell from Sen. Johnson:

BREAKING: Sen. Ron Johnson: There is NO FDA Approved COVID Vaccine in the U.S.

The biggest story of the day is Southwest Airlines and the MSM is doing everything they can to not cover it.


Because if word gets out that a majority of Americans do NOT want the poison vaxx, their narrative is shattered:

UPDATE: Southwest Airlines Cancels 1,800 Flights. MEDIA BLACKOUT Over Mandate Strike?

Good thing you have us!

We will always report the news openly and honestly!

You know who won’t?


They’ve now moved on to censoring entire countries:

Twitter Censors the UK!

Yes, now an entire country.

A sovereign nation.

When will the madness stop?

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight.

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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