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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/12/22



Hey friends,

Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter.

So great to have you here with us.

I don’t say that enough, but I have to tell you what an honor and a privilege it is to bring you this report each night.

Yes, it’s free to you but free doesn’t mean cheap!

This is my 100% job and I take the responsibility to bring you the news very seriously.

I also consider it a real honor to get to serve over 4 million readers each month!

So because I don’t say it enough….THANK YOU for being here with us!

And thank you for caring enough about America to help us save it!

Ok, now let’s jump in…

And we start with another big “departure” at CNN:

Major Name Leaving CNN?

Next we move to Roger Stone.

The J6 Unselect Committee is trying to frame Roger Rabbit and I think it’s BS….

…but I’ll let you decide:

The J6 Committee Says This Roger Stone Speech Incites Violence — You Be The Judge!

And you say?

Speaking of Roger, have you seen this?

Roger Stone and Robin Bullock: A “Demonic Portal” Over The White House?

Tulsi Gabbard continues to make waves.

And she’s not wrong here:

Tulsi Gabbard: “If You Go Against the Clintons You’re Dead”

A huge thank you to Mike Lindell for all he’s doing!

Whenever there is a need, Mike is there to fill it.

Thank you so much Mike!

Mike Lindell Heading to Florida to Personally Donate Pillows and Blankets to Hurricane Victims

And a great article next vis-a-vis Trump vs. the DOJ:

Trump is Playing Master-Level Chess with Biden’s DOJ

Bet you didn’t see this reported today in the MSM:

BREAKING: Secret Service Agents Rushed To Hospital

And I love this next one…

My only question:  are these needed to “hear” or to be “told what to say”?

I think we all know the answer:

John Fetterman Requires Special Device to Hear During NBC Interview

He’s braindead!

I do believe that is almost quite literally.

And we end with our top story:

HUNDREDS of Muslim Parents in Dearborn, Michigan SHUT DOWN School Board Meeting Over Pornographic Books


Your thoughts?

Are you ok with your kids reading this kind of porno in school?

That’s all from me tonight.

Be well!

Your friend,



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