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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/13/22



Hey friends,

Noah here with another big report…your Thursday night Newsletter!

We start with my latest interview with Bo Polny…if you haven’t seen it yet, here is the video.

Enjoy (not much time left):

And does this surprise anyone?

Sure feels like they don’t want Elon to open up free speech?

Maybe too many secrets about election interference and censorship to be found if he ends up owning Twitter?

Will he discover all the evidence?

JUST IN: Feds Investigating Elon Musk Over Twitter Acquisition

It’s still a sham committee, but big news today out of the Sham J6 Committee:

JUST IN: J6 Committee Holds Vote on Trump Subpoena

I actually can’t wait to see him walk in there and destroy them!

Do you think it will happen?

I don’t even know what to make of this next one so I’m just going to post it and ask for YOUR opinion:

Is Fox News Host Sean Hannity A CIA Operative?

More sickness from the Left next:

Former Democrat Mayor Who Donated To Biden Pleads GUILTY To Sickening Crime

This next one is absolutely incredible…

Of course, we warned you in advance.

We TOLD YOU they were taking placebos or faking it or lying.

Turns out we were right again:

Former French Presidential Candidate Says Emmanuel Macron and Most MPs ‘Not Vaccinated’

I saw a great quote recently: not one single person has regretted NOT taking the jab.

Wow, so true.

But so many on the contrary have desperately regretted it.

Folks, they lied to you, they bribed you, they forced you against your will…this is an absolute crime against humanity!

But they themselves never took it.

Of course not!

Great news for Truth Social out today:

Trump’s Truth Social Receives Biggest News Yet

If you’re already on, please follow me on TruthSocial…


This is my favorite article of the day:

Democrat: “I Will Never Stop Standing AGAINST My Constituents!”

Just look into her eyes…there’s nothing there!

No grey matter between those ears!

Oh my goodness, this is solid gold.

Look at the guy on the left, he looks so happy and he didn’t even say a word!

This is going to go down as a real classic!

Big thanks to Mike Lindell for stepping in and doing what no Democrat would do:

Mike Lindell Does It Again!

And we end with our top story…

Folks, Social Credit Scores and shutting off your bank accounts for “wrongthink” is here:

JP Morgan Closes Kanye West’s Bank Account

What a crazy world we live in!

That’s all for tonight.

I will have a very full report tomorrow (already working on some stuff), so I will see you then!

Have a great rest of your night…

Your friend,



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