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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/19/22



Hey friends,

Noah here…big day!

Sorry this is so late but we’ve been covering some late breaking stories.

Starting with this:

CALL TO ACTION: CDC Recommends All Children Be Given C-19 Vaccine For School!

Sorry folks, but our kids are the final red line.

You’re not going to jab all of them without us finally fighting back.

So please read that article and it’s time to spring into action.

I will not allow my kids to be jabbed with the poison shot.

I will pull them out of school before that happens.

How about you?

And then we have this:

VAXXIDENTS? New Video Shows People Dropping Like Flies!

Wow, perhaps she never heard “God will not be mocked”?

And my favorite story of the day is next…

From a reader, people are waking up all across our great country!

You have to see this:

MUST SEE: Chemtrails EXPOSED In Arizona!

Next up, big news as a famous Mosque completely imploded today:

Famous Muslim Mosque Totally Destroyed As It Implodes In Massive Fire!

I love this next one…and I hope you will join in.

This related back to Story #1 above:

The REAL Reason They Want You To Hate Donald Trump!

A lot tonight about the jab, and for good reason.

Here’s one more.

Different jab, same outcome:

mRNA In The Flu Shot? Do This Instead!

Then we have something very troubling….

This remains unsolved and it’s causing a huge stir today:

ABC Journalist Raided by FBI, Hasn’t Been Seen in Months

Do we live in America or in communist China?

Hard to tell under Bejing Biden’s rule.

And then we have this:

Stacey Abrams Plans to Fight Inflation by Encouraging More Abortions


Hey Stacy, how about you cozy up to a salad bar and leave the rest of us the hell alone?

You know she wasn’t lawfully and legally elected right?

Stolen 100%.

Speaking of stolen, I know one person who would never stand for that.

Kari Lake:

Kari Lake Catches CNN In The Act!

And we end with something very important…

Our top story

Government Hoarding $290 Million Worth of Anti-Radiation Medicine? Do This Now To Protect Your Family!

Above all else, make sure you and your family are safe!

Nothing more important than that!

Your friend,



Got something new and fun to show you tonight…

But only while they last.

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