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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/20/22 Late Night Edition



Hey friends,

Noah here and I’m super excited to bring you tonight’s Newsletter!

Starting with creepy Bill Gates.

First he wanted to control your “healthcare” and vaccines…

Now he wants to tax you!

What is wrong with this guy?

Bill Gates Is Rolling Out A New Tax…On You!

And speaking of people who are messed up, AOC short-circuited today…

She melted down as her own base turned against her in epic fashion:

WATCH: AOC’s Constituents Have Finally Broken Her

Next up is an urgent call to all parents.

This is making my blood boil:

CALL TO ACTION: CDC Recommends All Children Be Given C-19 Vaccine For School!

We need all hands on deck to stop this!

HUGE one next:

Unseen Jan 6th Footage Catches ANTIFA Red-handed

Just as we told you all along!

Please help us get this everywhere!

Moving next to PA, this guy is a menace.

He’s bad for PA…

Bad for the USA…

And just plain evil in general:

John Fetterman: Murderers Are Just Like Your Grandma and Grandpa!

Speaking of evil, have you heard of “deep fakes”?

I bet you can’t tell me which of these is fake:

“Deep Fake” EXPOSED: Can You Tell Which Obama Is Real?

Great update next from Timothy Dixon:🚨/

And we end with our top story…

This is still unsolved and becoming VERY troubling:

ABC Journalist Raided by FBI, Hasn’t Been Seen in Months

Ok that’s a wrap.

I have a ton of big stories I’m working on for tomorrow, so make sure you don’t miss those!

Your friend,



Your friend,



I came across a shirt I totally loved today…

They’ve only made a limited run, but if you want one they still have some in stock.


Check availability here:


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