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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/21/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.

I want to start tonight with something I haven’t done for a long time….

Details here:

More info here:

Ok, now on with the big news of the day!

Huge win to start with for President Trump:

President Trump Scores HUGE Victory For Free Speech – New Ruling On Gag Order

Even a corrupt Judge knows when they have overstepped and trodden on the Constitution….

How sad it has to come to this.

But Trump wins again!

More importantly, the First Amendment wins again!

Then we had this breaking today:

Gold Price Surges As Chinese Analysts Suggest Denominating Trade in Gold In Conflict With U.S.

Just like we’ve been telling you!

In fact, I just reported this yesterday:

Bob Kudla: “We’re Seeing Massive Spikes In Gold Dark Pools!”

Our reporting continues to be spot on!

Congrats to everyone who has taken action to protect themselves and their families!

Then we have more corruption emerging from Joe Biden….

Let me ask you this: have you ever purchased your house with “all cash”?

Ok, forget about your “main house”… about a beach house for $2.75 million all cash?


Me either.

Oh, and have you ever done that while earning $175,000/year as a Senator?



BREAKING: Biden Corruption Uncovered In Beach Property Purchase

That comes on the heels of this report from yesterday:

COMER: “We Have Found A $200,000 DIRECT Payment To Joe Biden”

And it looks like the debates are falling apart….

It’s all good though, I’m sure Ron DeSantis will be there in his heels and all!

Another GOP Presidential Candidate Considers Skipping Next Debate

Loving this next one….

Have you seen this?

Our Plan To Defeat ESG, DEI and BlackRock Is Already Working — Can You Help?

And MAJOR news out today thanks to a FOIA request about Barrack Hussein’s private chef.

He was there?

Oh my:

BREAKING: Barack Obama On The Scene At Personal Chef’s Drowning Death?

These continue to crack me up:

Trump Does A Seinfeld – Toilets and Showers

And I want to end tonight with this….

How beautiful!


WATCH: “All Glory Be To Christ”

See you tomorrow!

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 25,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

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