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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/7/22



Hey friends,

Noah here with your Friday Night Newsletter!

While others are out partying, we’re hard at work bringing you the news you may have missed today.

And oh my do we have a lot!

We start with President Trump’s reaction to another huge RINO suddenly “retiring”:

Trump Responds To Ben Sasse Resigning

Folks, you don’t just “retire” from being a sitting member of Congress unless something is VERY wrong…

I’ll just leave it there.

And then we have something interesting from a guy who calls himself Mr. Beast:

Major YouTuber Considers White House Run

We go next to Florida for this one:

Are They Setting Up DeSantis For President In 2024?

Sorry Ron….

FIRST, we do Donald Trump again, whether that comes now or in 2024 (I lean towards now).

Then we do Kari Lake after that for 8 years.

THEN we will take a look at you.

And from Florida we go to New York, which has just declared another emergency, probably another one from gay sex (like the first one, Monkeypox — charming city, really it is):


Love this:

Top Democrat Official May Soon Face Impeachment

And it looks like we’re going right back to the battle field down at MAL:

Mar-A-Lago Raid Round 2?

Next up, I can’t even believe I’m covering this but I guess I am.

Yes, I am literally being forced to cover the SEXUAL ACTS of a cartoon!

A freaking cartoon!

Folks….hate to break it to you, but cartoons don’t have sex!

They don’t have a “sexual preference”.

They are cartoons!

And yet for some very strange reason, now we have to know that Velma loves the Vag:

Scooby Doo’s Velma Is Now A Lesbian

What’s next, you’re going to tell me that Peppermint Patty is also a Lesbian?

Wait, don’t answer that.

Ok, moving from that we go to being fed alive to crocodiles.

Yes, really:

Couple Gets Kidnapped and Fed To Crocodiles

And while I mocked those last two, this is no laughing matter.

This is very real:

The Hampstead Abuse Case

Friendly reminder to please continue giving Mike Lindell your support if you happen to need any bed sheets, bath towels or pillows.

Honestly, they are all truly awesome products.

I use them all and I love them…

I will never buy any other sheets ever again other than Mike’s:

Get Warm And Cozy Bedding From MyPillow With An Amazing Sale (Up to 65% Off!)

And we end with a hard hitting article, but I think it’s ok.

We can handle it, right?

The tough questions have to be asked.

Have you even heard about this?

It’s real:

WHAT? Why Did President Trump Sign An Executive Order Fast Tracking mRNA Vaccines…6 Months Before The Pandemic Started?

Love to get your thoughts.

And remember to please find and follow me on TruthSocial, so follow me over there if you don’t want to miss it:

Your friend,



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I’ve heard from a lot of people who have made it their new homepage….smart!



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