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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/27/22

Hey friends,
Noah here and how are you?
I was hard at work today tracking down a ton of big stories.
As I always say, they always try to hide them on Sundays.
Good thing you have us!
We start with a simple question to counteract the MSM bias:
NATIONAL POLL: Will You Vote For President Trump a 3rd Time?
Next we go to something fun…
Unfortunately, our first winner never responded to me.
So we have a new one…
Was it you?
NEW WINNER: Announcing The Second MyPillow Giza Cotton Dream Sheets! Was It You?
Write me back if that’s you and I will ship you your prize 100% free on me!
So fun!
You gotta love this next one…
It seems like once you go far-left, you check your brain at the door:
How funny is that?
You can’t make this stuff up!
Next is a huge admission that we were right all along:
NOW ADMITTED: Vitamin-D Has A “Significant Decrease” In COVID Infection/Mortality
We literally shouted this from the rooftops for two years…
I’m so glad so many of you listened to me!
I’m not a doctor, but I do have abnormally high levels of common sense!
And can you even believe this?
BREAKING: Katie Hobbs Tied To Dirty FTX Donations? $27 Million?
How corrupt can one person get?
Arizona belongs to Kari Lake!
Speaking of FTX, it wasn’t just DemonRats….
Look at this:
Next up is a public service announcement to parents and grandparents:
It’s called “raising them right” and it’s time we got serious!
Either train them up right or the State and the Government and all their far-left looney-tunes will teach them instead….
I don’t want that, do you?
It’s our responsibility to raise children the right way and to give them a fighting chance!
Next we have a real beaut:
Biden Administration Can’t Account for $20 Billion in Ukraine Military Aid
Can you image how bad these people are crapping their pants?
They laundered BILLIONS of your tax dollars….
They can’t account of any of it….
It went to war criminals….
And then back as campaign donations to Dems….
And now?
Now come the audits from a Republican-controlled House:
Biden Administration Can’t Account for $20 Billion in Ukraine Military Aid
And they are panicked!
I do believe this is called treason, is that correct?
And the penalty involves, I think, a rope….?
Then we move to another massive scandal:
It’s all coming out all at the same time!
The collapse is going to be spectacular!
Next is something you need to see if you’ve ever been asked: “how can you possibly support Trump?”
Watch this:
And another big one!
Ukraine biolabs confirmed:
CONSPIRACY CONFIRMED: U.S. Spent Millions On Banned Bio-Weapon Labs In Ukraine!
We were right all along!
Then we go to Clif High who has a very urgent warning…
It is about to get very ugly as people realize what was just done to them:
I can’t even believe this next one is real, but it is….
Klaus Schwab has now adopted the NAZI swastika?
Are you kidding me?
And we end with our top story…
Be VERY careful about the flu shot this year.
Here’s why:
Wow, that was a lot.
I’d better wrap it up here.
Your friend,
Your friend,
With a massive Red Wave, it’s soon time to focus on the main enchilada…Daddy T45 himself!
Will you join us in our new mission?
How about if it was FREE?
Details here…👇
JOIN THE MISSION: Help Us Get One Of These On Every Street In America!
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