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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/29/21



Hi friends!

Noah here….and we are loaded up with news tonight!

Let’s jump right in.

Starting with the top story of the day, Jack Dorsey resigning from Twitter.

But it’s actually not all good news, read why here:

Conservatives Shouldn’t Celebrate Jack Dorsey Stepping Down as Twitter CEO; Read What His Replacement Said About the 1st Amendment

Who would have thought @Jack would look like the voice of reason compared to this guy!


Moving on, we have some great news to report tonight for healthcare workers:

BREAKING: U.S. Federal Judge Halts Biden’s COVID-19 Jab Mandate For Healthcare Workers in 10 States

And then we have a true stunner….

Yes, this is true.

Not satire.

German Suicide Now Only Allowed For The “Vaxxed”

I ran this next one last night, but I’m still laughing about it today so wanted to make sure you saw it.

“Hang on, our Themis has just gone off” is going to be one of my new punchlines:

HILARIOUS: “Hang on, our Themis has just gone off….”

Then we go to Mike Lindell who outed Ronna McDaniel:

Mike Lindell Says Ronna McDaniel Sabotaged Supreme Court Case: “She Has To Go!”

You did know she’s a “Romney” right?

Not to be trusted and now we know why!

Speaking of Mike and his lawsuit, he actually needs your help.

Here’s what you can do:

HELP WANTED: Here’s How YOU Can Help Mike Lindell’s Supreme Court Election Fraud Case!

Thank you everyone who has already jumped in to help.

It makes a HUGE difference!

And the Ghislaine Maxwell trial started today….

Think it’s going to be a fair trial?

Well, here’s how it’s starting:

And speaking of trials, here’s another one starting today:

Jussie Smollett Puts On Another Performance Ahead Of His Trial

Now let’s talk Silver….

Sorry to everyone who wanted one of these, but they are gone:

Let’s Go Brandon — Brand New From DISME (Out of Stock)

And for those of you who emailed me today asking about DISME, let me tell you why I love working with them.

Details here:

Why I Choose To Work With DISME

And we end with our top story that I initially took down for a few hours while we further vetted it.

Turns out it appears to be 100% accurate:

Indian Bar Association Claims Bill Gates Charged With Murder For COVID-19 Jab Death; Says Case Filed in India’s High Court & Death Penalty Sought

And I don’t think it’s going away!

Hey Bill, congrats you now have an entire massive country you can never go to again or you’ll be arrested on the spot.

More coming!

That’s a wrap folks, I’ll see you tomorrow.

Your friend,



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