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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/30/21



Hi friends!

Noah here….how are you?

I gotta tell you something…..

I don’t say this enough but I want to tell everyone it is a true honor to get to send this Newsletter each night.

I started this in 2015 with exactly ZERO followers, ZERO readers, ZERO anything.

But because we told the truth, we grew.

And that’s what we will always do.

We cover the stories the MSM won’t cover, we tell the truth no matter what it is, and we love America!

What a concept, right?

By the way, if you’re not following us on Parler, you should definitely get on board 👉

Now let’s jump right into the news…..

Starting with this really disturbing story:

Greece Makes COVID-19 Jabs Mandatory for 60+ Years Old; $114 Monthly Fines Imposed on Refusers

This is 100% crimes against humanity!

How is that even legal?

But great news to share on the home front:

Three Major US Automakers Will Not Mandate Vaccines for UAW Members

The biggest story of the day might have been Chris Cuomo getting the axe….

See ya, don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya:

BREAKING: CNN Suspends Chris Cuomo ‘Indefinitely’!

And then we move to some great updates on the legal front against tyrannical Joe’s “mandates”.

Starting with this:

BREAKING: Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s COVID-19 Jab Mandate For Federal Contractors in 3 States

And then more broke later today:

Another Victory! Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s COVID-19 Jab Mandate on Healthcare Workers in 14 States; Includes Nationwide Injunction

And then we have this:

(VIDEO) Mark of the Beast? In Sweden, Get Your COVID-19 Certificate Linked to Your Chip Implant

I personally don’t think COVID is the Mark of the Beast but I think it’s the pre-curser.

The test run.

They’re getting everything tested before they roll out the real thing.

Very scary.

Very evil.

God Almighty will deal with these people and I would NOT want to be them!

Then we have this:

Why Did the White House Cancel Joe Biden’s Scheduled Speech 15 Minutes Before it Started?

What’s that all about Joe?

Did you shit your pants again and have to cancel?

And how about this:

Staggering Number of Democrats Retiring This Year Grows to 18!

Do they know something?

And moving on to the Ghislaine Maxwell sex trafficking trial, it was wild on Day 2:

KEY Witnesses And Testimony LEFT OUT Of Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

And we end with our top story.

So sad:

Monique Morley Claims She Suffered A heart Attack Following Pfizer Jab

I’d love to get your thoughts….

Please write me back with any comments you have.

I don’t always have time to respond to every email but I do read them all!

Your friend,



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