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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/10/21



Hi friends!

Noah here, and I have a special announcement to start…

We’re facing extreme censorship again.

Last night only 10% of people signed up for this Newsletter actually received it.


BigTech threw it down the memory hole!

Totally censored.

So we need to fight back.

If you get this, please add [email protected] to your contacts and safe-senders list.

And look for us in your Spam folder!

Even if you find old Newsletters in there, it really helps tremendously if you mark them as “Not Spam” and whitelist them.

Thank you so much!

We’re in this together.

Ok now one other thing….I wanted to remind you again about the current giveaway we have going on right now for two bottles of C60, a Nobel-prize winner and antioxidant 172 times more powerful than Vitamin C!

We draw the winner tomorrow night, so enter now if you haven’t done so yet.  It’s a prize worth $140!

There are 4 ways to enter and all are free:

Read more about it here:

C60 “Secret Weapon” To Immune System Power (Win a $140 package here!)

And enter the giveaway 100% for free here (to win $140 worth of life-saving C60):

Now let’s jump into the News of today, starting with a brand new interview with President Trump on FlashPoint:

FLASHPOINT: Brand New Interview With President Trump

How good was that?

And then we move to Kat Kerr, who we haven’t heard from in a while.

I think you’re going to love this:

Kat Kerr: Prophetic Events Update (December 8)

And from Kat we move to another prophet, Julie Green.

Julie was new to me but all I can say is “wow”….this has some major heat and anointing on it.

See here:


Your thoughts?

Moving next to a pastor, Pastor Greg Locke and oh my!

Look what he just said:

Pastor Greg Locke Says “Joel Osteen Is a Pedophile”!

He is not pulling any punches!

And all across the world, people truly are waking up.

Some more painfully than others:

People Are Waking Up, Some Very Painfully!

You should share that video with friends and family, it might make a difference.

And what do we have here?

The REAL Agenda Behind the COVID-19 Inoculation Campaign For Children; Review of the Gavi INFUSE Program

Tragic story next:

4-Time Pro Bowler & Super Bowl Champion Ex-NFL Wide Receiver Demaryius Thomas Passes Away at 33

I sure hope it wasn’t from the vaxx!

So sad.

And you still have a few hours left to pick up one of these….

Isn’t this beautiful?

FREEDOM FRIDAY: Keep Calm and Love a Veteran!

Perfect message too.

Don’t you think?

And we end with our top story:

Biden REFUSES To Sit Next To Kamala Harris

You just have to see it to believe it.


I guess even Joe doesn’t like the hyena!

That’s a wrap for tonight.

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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The only loser?  Deep State Big Retailers.



Let me know down in the comments if we missed any….

Oh and by the way, MyPillow makes the PERFECT Christmas Gift if you needed something for a family member.




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