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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/9/21



Hi friends!

Noah here, and I hope you are doing great!

Before we start tonight I wanted to remind you about the current giveaway we have going on right now for two bottles of C60, a Nobel-prize winner and antioxidant 172 times more powerful than Vitamin C!

Seem like something that might be good to have right now?

I think so too:

Read more about it here:

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Ok, now on with the news….

Starting with your friendly reminder that Durham is still active and still making the Deep State VERY uneasy:

Durham Has Evidence That The Clinton’s Attorney Lied

And the biggest news to break today was this beauty:

Jussie Smollett Found Guilty of Orchestrating and Reporting Racist, Anti-Gay Hate Crime in Chicago


And how about this next one:

Oregon Governor Signs “Racist Bill” Removing Math And Reading Skills To Help Students Of Color

I just have one question….

Isn’t doing this actually the most racist thing you can do?

She is basically saying minorities can’t read or do math.

Isn’t that extremely racist?

Of course it is.

These liberal fucktards are the most racist people on the planet and they can go to hell for all I care.

And how about this?

Biden Administration Skips Hearing For Gitmo Closing

Don’t worry Joe, I think you’ll be there soon enough.

This was upsettting:

19 Kids And Counting Star Found Guilty For Child Pornography Charges

Serious question, of the 19 kids, how many do you think he could get their names right on the first try?

I’m thinking at least 16/19?

Or was he setup?

Love to get your thoughts.

Then we have more reports on RINOs:

Here Are The 14 RINO’s Who Voted To Fast Track Even More Debt

Many we already knew, but please read and write down every name and vote them out as soon as possible!

This next one is very interesting:

Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Cut Short After Lawyer Becomes Ill

Does this remind anyone else of when they had to stop counting the votes because people were “tired” and had to go home to their families?

Or we have to stop because of that water main break?

Do they really think we’re buying any of their horse-shit anymore?

And how about this?

JP Morgan Predicts End Of Pandemic

Run its course?

Next thing coming?

And we end with our top story:

Beast of Revelation? UN Puts Up Giant Statue in NYC that People Describe as “In-Your-Face-Evil”

What a charming little beast.

Why you would make that if you weren’t demon-possessed or on drugs or both….I have no idea!

Ok, that’s a wrap.

Catch you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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Let me know down in the comments if we missed any….

Oh and by the way, MyPillow makes the PERFECT Christmas Gift if you needed something for a family member.



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