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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/22/22



Hey friends,

Noah here and I have a LOT to show you tonight…

Starting with something you might be hearing about for the first time.

Just remember, we tell you the truth and we often do it FIRST:

Have You Heard About The “Marburg Virus”?

Seems like a good time to remind you of this:

Dr. Zelenko Secrets: You Have To Get The Zinc To The Virus, And The Magic Ingredient Is…

Last night we told you how Elon Musk’s poll showed that 75% of Americans did NOT want this “Omnibus” spending bill.

So what did Congress do?

Rammed it through anyway:

BREAKING: Senate Passes $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill, Here Are the Republicans Who Voted Yes

Of course they did.

These people are enemies of the Americans people and they have been for a long time….

Speaking of:

Nancy Pelosi: The Spark That Triggers WWIII?

And speaking of Part 2:

LEAKED EMAILS Further Implicate Hobbs In Election Conspiracy

What is going on here?

Navy SEAL Team Commander Found Dead in San Diego Home

Things are looking bad for AOC…

And it couldn’t happen to a better person, LOL!

AOC Could Be In MAJOR Trouble


Black Swan Incoming…

Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Is it time for Nuremberg 2.0?

Here’s what that means:

Calls For “Nuremberg 2.0” Growing…

And we end with our top story of the week…

Love ya Mike!

Keep up the great work:

BREAKING: Mike Lindell Is Funding Kari Lake’s Election Lawsuit!

Your friend,



Your friend,



With a massive Red Wave, it’s soon time to focus on the main enchilada…Daddy T45 himself!

Will you join us in our new mission?

How about if it was FREE?


Details here…👇

JOIN THE MISSION: Help Us Get One Of These On Every Street In America!



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