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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/10/22



Hi friends!

Noah here and I have a HUGE Thursday Night Newsletter for you!

That ok if I add a little extra in tonight?

Ok, let’s do this and let’s move fast.

Starting with this:

GM Hires Biden’s Niece

I assume it must be because she was definitely the most qualified! (sarcasm alert!)

Love this guy:

GOP Sen. Johnson Comes Forward With SHOCKING Evidence Of Vaccine Risks

And I’m sorry for this image, but you must see it:

HUH? Nancy Pelosi Drunk As A Skunk…With FOUR Eyebrows?

Also really sorry for this image, but the video must be shown!

Joe Biden: 2006 vs. Now…

Thank you to my friend Mark for sending me that one.

Next up, a topic we have been investigating here for almost at year now:

Does John Durham Exist? Devin Nunes Thinks So!

Next I want to show you maybe my FAVORITE hat we’ve ever made.

These have been so popular it may already be sold out by the time you read this, but we got a small shipment in and I wanted to give you first dibs.

Grab one here:

Then we have a story that is really too horrible to believe…

So sorry for the parents:

REPORT: Two High School Basketball Players Suddenly Collapse Mid-Game and Pass Away on the Same Day


And oh my:

Pfizer Released Reports Of Revenue From Covid-19 Jabs, Want To Guess How Much?

With inflation now confirmed over 7.5% (which means your dollars just got 7.5% less purchasing power) I thought it was time to remind you it might be good to be in PHYSICAL ASSETS like precious metals.

And none better than something as beautiful as this:

Favorite DISME Coin: “Trump: This Is What We Are Going By!”

Love seeing another success here:

Surety Bond Success! Dare County School Board (NC) Served Papers – School Mask Mandate Lifted (WATCH)

This is very troubling:

RED ALERT: New York State DOH Allegedly Voting on Gov. Hochul’s Quarantine Camp Regulation TODAY – HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP STOP IT

And we end with our top story…

My friend Bo Polny returned to my show and it’s already become our most popular interview ever.

Watch it here (including one coin Bo says could go 100x):

Bo Polny: It’s Not The End, It’s THEIR End! (2/20/22 & 3/22/22)

You just gotta love Bo!

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight.

I’ll see you back here for the weekend edition tomorrow.

Sleep well.

Your friend,



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