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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/2/22



Hi everybody!

Noah here…and happy Wednesday to you!

Let’s start with something really troubling:

Dem Governor Caught Giving COVID Funds To BLM

Makes me so mad!

By the way, remember to bookmark my site NoahReport, where I post breaking news throughout the day!

I know a lot of you have made it your homepage.

Then we have this disturbing story about Hershey:

Hershey Begins Firing Salaried Employees; Asks Terminated Workers to Sign Exiting Agreement

I’m done with Hershey, I will tell you that much!

SICK: Liberal Professor Proudly Declares Nothing Wrong With Adult-Child Sex!

Another once-great company bites the dust!

Ok, now comes something truly sick.

I wish I were joking about this or exaggerating, but this is what it has come to these days:

And no, it wasn’t a slip of the tongue.

He said it over and over and over in multiple interviews.

Really sick and disturbed individual.

From a terrible story to a great one…

Love this kid!

Talk about a leader:

High School Kids Lead Walkout Over Mask Mandates!

And then we have “Whoopi”.

Hey Whoop, trust me when I say no one will care:

Whoopi Threatens to QUIT ‘The View’ After Suspension: Reports

Memo to Whoopi: study up on Neil Young and “overplaying your hand”.

You’re about to be Version 2.0.

And this is really something:

Trudeau Panicking Over Canadian Freedom Convoy, Calls Them …Transphobic?

From what I understand he is in hiding, scared for his life while his country may soon literally fall.

Transphobic, huh?


Hey, maybe he meant “trains-phobic”….you know, they like their trucks but don’t like trains…..

You think that’s what he meant?

Or maybe he’s just a traitorous, globalist, piece of human shit!

It’s one of those two things, I’m pretty sure.

And how interesting is this?

Is Reuters Trying To Shift The Covid-19 Narrative?

Talk about backpeddling!

Meanwhile, we’ve been telling you the TRUTH for almost 6 months now!

TRUTH: Ivermectin Safe, Effective, Won The Nobel Prize and FDA Approved Since 1996!

And I absolutely love this next one…

My favorite story of the day:

“We’ve Got Covid!” Tow Truck Companies Side With Canadian Freedom Convoy

And we end with our top story…

Another top CEO gone in an instant.

It’s almost like the prophets all told us this would happen, or am I crazy?

Bye Zuck:

CNN’s Jeff Zucker Resigns Abruptly: “I Was Wrong”

Now we just need the OTHER Zuck to go too….

And he may be soon next.

Did you see Facebook lost 25% of it’s value today in one day?


We’ll be watching that story….

And before I go, a reminder that you don’t want to miss this:

Flash Sale: “Wear All Day” MySlippers Now 50% Off (Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift)

Check out my order…

Saved $299!

Spent $199….

Got a ton os awesome stuff I will use for years!


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Your friend,



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