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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/5/22



Hi everybody!

Noah here and I am pumped to bring you the Saturday edition of the Newsletter!

We start with something guaranteed to give you the biggest laugh of the week.


HILARIOUS! Biden Get’s Help From “Visiting Angels”

I don’t know which one of you made that, but it’s genius!

Then we have something really incredible.

Live on the air on FoxNews, another “conspiracy theory” just admitted:

Tucker Carlson Confirms On Air: Justin Trudeau Is Fidel Castro’s Son!

I need to get some new conspiracy theories, all of mine keep coming true!

Big update from our friend Mike Lindell.

Totally revamped MyPillow Store and he’s celebrating with their biggest sale ever: up to 75% off!

BRAND NEW! Totally Revamped MyPillow Store — Up To 75% Off (Limited Time Only)!

I highly, highly recommend the Giza Cotton Sheets!

Then we have another really incredible one next…

Bob Jones “honkers” prophecy finally makes sense decades later:

BOB JONES: The Honkers Prophecy…First The Geese, Then The Eagle!

Absolutely incredible stuff!

I hope you enjoy that one.

It blew my mind.

And a few days ago, we brought you a story about Surety Bonds as a new avenue to stop the madness in schools.

Well, guess what?


Surety Bond Success Story: Ohio Father Forces School Board to End Mask Mandate on Children

Now let’s shift to Dr. Zelenko…

I really love supporting this guy because of all the great work he is doing.

This is what ALL doctors should be doing.

Don’t miss this incredible interview with Mercola:

Mercola: Dr. Zelenko Exposes The Plan To Tag Us For The NWO Slave System

And a reminder to when Dr. Malone was on Joe Rogan and he praised Dr. Zelenko for his work on Z-Stack:

Dr. Robert Malone, Joe Rogan and Dr. Zelenko!

Thank you to these two great doctors, America’s history books will remember you very warmly!

And speaking of the history books, we end with what remains far and away our top story…

Yes, I know the idea of Trump becoming Speaker of the House has been floated around for months.

I always dismissed it as nonsense.

Trump is not even running for Congress and being in Congress would be beneath him.

Foolishness, I thought.

But that was until I heard the extra pieces to the plan this week.

I had NEVER in my life even heard some of this was possible, but I researched it and it turns out it IS possible!

I live and breath this stuff all day long and I had no idea of some of these details, so I have a suspicion it will be new to you as well!

Read the full thing right here and I guarantee you’ll be blown away like I was:

Here’s How President Trump Becomes President BEFORE 2024 (You Have Not Heard This Before!)

That’s a wrap!

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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