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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/4/22



Hi everybody!

Noah here with your Friday Newsletter…

Really excited to show you what I’ve got tonight, I think you’re going to be very pleasantly surprised.

But first we start with two more horrible health incidents:

31-Year-Old Fitness Trainer Dies Unexpectedly While Napping, Family Suspects Heart-Related Issues


17-Year-Old Golfer Viggo Sorensen Dies After Suffering Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Going Into Coma

This is NOT normal.

Don’t ever let them convince you this is normal or the “new normal”.

It’s evil and it’s wrong.

So glad to see this America-hater gone from the team:

Far-Left Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe BOOTED From US National Team Roster

Should have happened years ago!

And I have been hearing a lot about this and it’s absolutely sickening:

WATCH: Military Lawyer Says Genetic Changes Caused by mRNA COVID-19 Jabs Create New Human ‘Species’ as Intellectual Property

God bless the “Big Aristotle” for speaking up for freedom:

Shaquille O’Neal Comes Out: I’m Against “Forced” Mandates

Love ya Shaq!

We’ve covered this loser of a company before and I guess we have to do it again:

Penzey’s Spice Company Runs “Republicans Are Racist” Sale; Loses 40,000 Customers

Wow, that backfired badly!

Today is Friday and that means “Freedom Friday”.

Only a couple hours left to grab this one, sorry if it’s too late by the time you see this:

Freedom Friday: FREEDOM!

And if you’re tired of paying over $100 for terrible Cable TV or satellite TV, I have the solution.

How does $18.95 sound?

The Brand New Solution to Watch OANN, Newsmax, InfoWars for HUNDREDS Less Than Cable!

And we end with our top story.

You might think you’ve heard this before, but I learned several new parts to this story that have me VERY excited.

Makes all the sense in the world:

Here’s How President Trump Becomes President BEFORE 2024 (You Have Not Heard This Before!)

The plan is genius!

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight.

Your friend,



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