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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/7/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.

I hope you’re doing great!

Big day around here, let me show you our top reports…

Starting with something hilarious…but also a serious point in here:

Introducing Dr. Anita B. Etin

Love to get your thoughts on that one!

Next up, if you’ve been confused about the Trump/DeSantis feud, this might help explain it:

Mike Lindell EXPOSES Ron DeSantis: “Don’t even bother running now…”

Mike is all over this!

And I think he’s right.

A lot of people have been asking for photos of the downed Chinese spy balloon…

And we have them here:

Navy Releases Photos of Chinese Spy Balloon Recovery Effort

Next up, yes it happened AGAIN!

Literally another one, as if there were any left.

At what point do we all wake up and realize this is not an “accident”?

You there yet?

I am:

Largest Egg Farm in New Zealand Goes up in Flames!

And I guess it’s not an “Insurrection” if it’s done by men who think they’re women?

Or something?

Trans Lives Matter Storm OK Capitol!

Love this from Elon:

Elon Musk Identifies ‘Worst Offender’ In U.S. Government Censorship

Huge story out from Turkey and Syria….

And the big question: is this related to that really weird, red cloud we covered last week?

I think it’s likely:

Is This Massive Explosion In Turkey Related To The Earthquake?

And we end with our top story….

This is a personal one.

It’s my update to you about our big “Call for Help”.

You have ONE more opportunity that I didn’t think we’d do, but I have to do it.

Here’s why:

FROM NOAH: Here’s Why I’m Doing ONE More Zoom….Don’t Miss This!

Don’t miss this one, trust me.

Find a way to be there.

It will be life-changing to many people.

Will it change YOUR life?

I’ll see you there!

That’s a wrap!

Your friend,



We’ve started a new Twitter account to bring breaking news alerts throughout the day.

Before we can get an article published, we can get a news alert out via Twitter.

I know it’s been a cesspool for the far-left, but I’m banking on Elon getting the deal closed and quickly turning it around.

And we want to be there when he does.

SPOILER ALERT: we just crossed 3,000 Followers and growing FAST!

So will you give us a Follow here? 👇


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