Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/1/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Friday night Newsletter.
Let’s jump right in, I have a lot to show you tonight.
Starting with this — Jack Smith dealt a major blow today and I love it:
Then we have my favorite story of the day:
So powerful!
Then we have this massive motorcade for President Trump.
Is this normal?
Why does Biden get such a smaller one?
HUGE Motorcade For President Trump…Is This Normal For A “Former President”?
And I don't want to make too much of this next one, but I don't want to make too little of it either:
President Trump Says It Three Times: “This is a Military Operation!”
Now let's go to Biden....
Did he just admit the DEW energy strike on Maui?
I don't know any other way to take this, do you?
And since they love to hide the big crashes over the weekend, it was no surprise to me that we saw this today:
New York Community Bank Plunges 30%, CEO Exits, Losses Hit $2.7 Billion!
And the program that saved them all last year is not going to save them this time.
Because it ends next week:
WARNING: The Program That Stopped The Banking Crash Last Year Ends Next Week!
Even more here:
Don't say I didn't warn you!
Ok, then we have something really wild next:
And then we have this:
BREAKING: Tim Buckley Out As CEO Of $7.2 TRILLION Asset Manager Vanguard
We are winning!!
Next up, longtime readers know I don't like to use the word "Bombshell" very much.
Because it loses it's meaning.
So I use it sparingly, and when I do use it it's because I mean it.
Like right here:
Folks, everything about this is unAmerican and unConstitutional.
Wildly so!
How is this even happening?
And we end with our top story....
I've reported a lot on President Trump's potential VP pick but I haven't seen this name mentioned hardly at all.
Until today:
President Trump Surprises Everyone With “Shortlist VP Candidate” No One Expected
Your thoughts?
Ok, that's all for me, have a great rest of your evening!
Your friend,
I talk a lot about Gold but here's something you might not know...
You might be able to get a LOT of it with no money out of pocket!
Yes, really.
You know I don't ever lead you astray!
You see, you might have a ton of money in a retirement account in volative stocks and bonds.
I'm not a financial advisor, but that may not be the best thing for you right now....and maybe Gold is a much safer play for you.
You could move some or all of that into Gold and protect yourself without having to pay a dime out of pocket.
TAP HERE to see exactly how...
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