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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/17/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.
Ok, we start off tonight with the “bloodbath hoax”.
Without Twitter, I believe this would have been another hoax they would have successfully pushed on the American People.
With Twitter, we were able to debunk it:
MSM Runs With Trump “Bloodbath” Hoax If He’s Not Elected…Here’s What They Aren’t Telling You
We even forced them into retreat:
MSNBC Host DELETES Tweet Pushing Trump “Bloodbath” Hoax After Getting Called Out By Elon Musk
I don't spend a lot of time covering RFK Jr., but this came out today and it was NOT who I was expecting:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Expected Running Mate Identified In Report, Surprise Name
If you haven't looked into Freedom Chat yet, I love it and I'm having fun telling as many people about it as I can:
FREEDOM CHAT: No Censorship. No Spying. No Big Brother. Only $2.95.
Next is an update on this story:
WATCH: FDNY Official HECKLED After Promising To “Hunt Down” Firefighters Who Booed Letitia James
And then we have Uber and Lift literally BAILING on a Dem-run City.
Can't blame 'em, I'd leave too:
Next up, it's Spring Time and if you have allergies you need to see this:
Meet Dr. VanDeWater: Freedom From Pharma! (And Freedom from Allergies!)
Next up, this video of Michael Rapaport was going viral today....
He claims it isn't real.
I'm saying....I don't know?
But if it's not real, it's one of the best fakes I've ever seen:
I actually predicted a while ago that they would use this excuse in the future:
I know one thing, this next video IS real and it's so inspiring and full of hope:
And we end with our top story....
Happy Sunday folks!
I hope you enjoy this one:
Ok, that's a wrap!
Oh, be sure to read below for my longest "p.s." ever....
Your friend,
When I was in High School, I would read the USA Today from the school library each day, cover-to-cover while I was supposed to be studying.
School bored me, but I always loved the news! Especially the USA Today, which mixed news and opinion and entertainment.
I suppose it's no big surprise I now do this for a living!
But there was one part in the USA Today called "King's Things" and it was written by Larry King.
"Written" is a bit of a stretch, it was basically Twitter before Twitter, where Larry King would share some random 1-2 sentence observation or opinion with the country. Whatever was on his mind.
It's kind of how I've always viewed this "p.s." section of the Newsletter...I like to give you a fun little blurb about something, but instead of being totally random I like to make it something I think you'll enjoy or benefit from.
Larry King had "King's Things" so I'm thinking maybe I should call this section "Noah's Nuggets"! That's got a good ring to it.
Anyway...I tell you all of that to tell you tonight's Nugget might seem super random, but I'm telling you anyway because I absolutely love it and want you to know about it: my new favorite toothpaste.
Yes, really.
I've always hated toothpaste, my whole life!
The gross way it foams in your mouth...
The gross mint flavor...
The Fluoride...
Hated everything about it!
Until finally at age 35 I found this -- it's called Revitin:
No mint, a nice citrus flavor instead!
No foam, just non-foamy cleaning, similar to the stuff they use at the dentist's office.
No Fluoride!
And none of this either:
I'm not a paid spokesperson for the company....they don't even know I exist.
I'm just a customer.
And I honestly love the stuff so much I am telling you about it in tonight's "Noah's Nugget"!
None of the bad stuff, but all of the good stuff like this:
Anyway, there you go!
The longest "Noah's Nugget" in the history of this Newsletter but I had to tell the world!
If you want to try it, you can find it using my Amazon Associates link by tapping right here.
Yes, I know it's a tad expensive.
And do me one favor, if you do try it out shoot me an email and let me know what you think!
Oh, and if anyone reading this knows someone at this company, get me in touch with them! I would LOVE to be a spokesman for their product because I love it that much!
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