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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/3/22



Hey everybody!

Noah here with your Thursday edition of the Newsletter…

Great stuff coming your way tonight, starting with my personal favorite of the day:

Vernon Jones Reveals the Plan to Make Donald Trump President As Soon As Next Year

Next up is a friend of mine, Patty Greer, who was a guest on SGT Report this week for a fascinating interview!

Don’t dismiss this by the title….there is much more than meets the eye here:

The “Crop Circle Conundrum” — Patty Greer

In that interview, Sean discussed C60 with Patty and I have a bunch more info for you on that right here if you’re not familiar.

So important right now for your health:

REPORT: Is C60 Your “Secret Weapon” To Staying Healthy and Vibrant?

Next up is something that made me furious when I first heard about it today.

You know how CNN had a contract for decades to be the only channel shown in airports?

Well, they’re looking to do the same thing to your kids schools with the far-left NewsGuard “fact checkers”.

This is really sick stuff:

Deal Cut To Put Leftist “NewsGuard” In Virtually All Public Schools

The USA Freedom Convoy is growing (70+ miles at last count!) and the leader just sent Joe Biden a personal message.

Hear it here:

The USA Freedom Convoy Just Delivered a Message Directly To Joe Biden

And I absolutely loved this moment:

Wonderful Prayer For The USA Freedom Convoy (Psalm 121)

I keep telling you folks…DO NOT give up on 2020 yet.

It’s FAR from over:

NEW: GOP Calls EMERGENCY MEETING After Gableman’s Push to Decertify 2020 Election

Then we had this moment today:

TIMBER! Joy Behar “Face-plants” Live On The View

And this absolutely disgusting move by Pelosi:

Watch Nancy Pelosi Desecrate The U.S. Flag

And we end with a request from a reader who asked me to please explain “Devolution”.

Have you been hearing a lot about that but don’t know what it means?

I’ve got you covered:

Explaining “Devolution” and Trump’s Return

That’s a wrap for tonight.

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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