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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/16/22



Hey friends!

Noah here and I told you last night we were working on some big stories for today and here they are!

Let’s move fast because I have a lot to show you.

We sadly have another shooting event to report tonight:

JUST IN: Mass Shooting at South Carolina Mall, Several People Reportedly Injured

The events are real, no doubt.

Injuries are real.

But is anyone else wondering if these are planned events to push the gun control narrative?

As I’m typing this newsletter, I just got an alert saying there was yet ANOTHER shooting in California…

We’ll cover that in a few minutes.

FF’s to push gun control?

You have to wonder…

Next we fact check a story that was going viral today about Elon Musk and MSDNC:

FACT CHECK: MSNBC Says “It’s OUR Job To Control What People Think!”

And then we move to Joe and Jill Biden and how much money they made.

First, let me make one thing clear….

I have no problem with anyone making money.

I have no problem with anyone making a LOT of money….as long as it’s legit.

I just have to wonder, was “10% for the Big Guy” reported in these earnings?

Joe and Jill Biden’s 2021 Earnings Released: Guaranteed They Pulled In More Than You!

Speaking of Joe, Kim Dotcom went on record today basically saying he had all the evidence and that Joe and Hunter are done.

Details here:

Kim Dotcom: Hunter Biden Laptop Will Be Out Next Week; Hunter To Jail; Joe To Resign

Next I bring you a two part series on Pizzagate that we don’t want you to miss.

Part 1:

Ben Swann Exposes The TRUTH About Pizzagate…Did You Know?

Part 2:

PART 2 (Pizzagate Investigation): “Out Of Shadows”

Then we have this….

“Scientists” (and I do put that in quotes) now want to cure cancer with….you guessed it….the mRNA vaccine:

Scientists Working on Cancer Vaccine Using Similar mRNA Technology From COVID-19 Shots

Oh and that’s not all…

They also want to stop heart attacks with the same mRNA vaccine:

Scientists Want to Cure Heart Attacks With Same mRNA Technology as COVID-19 Shots

It’s almost like they need any excused possible to get this poison into your system?

But I guess that’s just paranoid thinking…

I mean, it surely wouldn’t have anything to do with this, would it:

Georgia Guidestones Exposed: “Maintain Humanity Under 500 Million People”

And on this Easter weekend, I bring you this next one:

(WATCH) See How Many Californians Want to Ban The Bible for ‘Hate Speech’

And finally we end with our top story of the month in case you missed it:

WE FACT CHECK IT: Is Zelensky a Cousin of George Soros?

Love to get your thoughts on that one!

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



After weeks of being sold out, these are finally back in stock!

Officially my favorite Trump hat ever, how about you?

Grab one here while they last:



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