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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/13/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.

Friendly reminder before we get started please read this so we don’t accidentally leave you behind:

We’re doing a little migration behind the scenes for this Newsletter, nothing you need to be worried about.

It’s been a LOT of hard work and quite frankly very costly for us, but that’s ok and we’re near the end!

The migration will go live in about a week, and you won’t really notice a thing except I need your help with one thing.

I *THINK* we will migrate everyone over to the new platform just fine, but I’m not taking any chances.

If you enjoy receiving this Newsletter each night, I need you to do one thing please to make sure you stay on our list.

Please TAP HERE and add your email address in to make sure you end up on our new email list.

Here’s that link again right here:

As I said, I think you’ll be migrated over automatically, but I always like to do things with a “belt and suspenders” approach to make sure we don’t miss anything.

So even if you’ve been receiving this Newsletter for 10 years without problems, please tap the link above and add in your best email address to make sure you “make the cut” in a week with the migration goes live.

Ok, now on with the News of the Day!

Starting with Michael Cohen’s testimony today which made ZERO sense.

I break it all down here:

BREAKING: Michael Cohen Took Out a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) on HIS HOUSE To Pay Stormy Daniels — Makes No Sense!

Sorry, but no one is buying that!

More here:

Cohen Testimony DESTROYS Prosecution’s Narrative

And then suddenly a new trend started up today and I am loving it....

I hope this catches on and goes really big:

Politicians Flock To NYC To Stand Side-By-Side With Donald Trump And Support Him During At Trial

We need more of this!

More herre:

JD Vance Calls Out “Soros Funded Prosecutor”

And you might find this informational:

Check Out The Top U.S. Cities And Towns Where Biden Is Sending Hundreds Of Thousands Of Paroled Migrants – Is YOURS On The List?

Is your City on the list?

Flying continues to be a nightmare....

You couldn't pay me enough to fly in one of these tin can deathtraps right now:

Delta, Spirit Airplanes Collide At Airport

And I like Kristi Noem, I think she's one of the Top 5 best Governors we have right now, but man she is having a bad month:

Governor Kristi Noem Is Now Banned From 20% Of Her Own State

Next we have an update and clarification on what really happened at Duke with Jerry Seinfeld.

Jerry is great:

Jerry Seinfeld’s Wife Just Set The Record Straight After Duke University Graduation Walkout

But I just have one question....

Is he starting to look like his wife, or is his wife starting to look like him?

And wasn't there an actual Seinfeld episode based on that?

Looks like King Sausage Fingers is not long for this world.

We've been telling you that for a while now, but it looks like it's accelerating fast:

Sign of Stepping Down? King Charles Hands Over Military Power To Prince William

And as promised, here's the tally from New Jersey's Rally....

An absolute historic, record-breaking event:

Final Tally For NJ Rally Is 80-100,000 People, Rivals Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1932 Speech In Sea Girt

We end with this one:

Please Join Me Tomorrow (Tuesday) — From NOAH

I sure hope you can join me, it will be a good time!

I'll see you there!

Your friend,



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