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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/21/22



Hey friends,

Noah here with your Saturday evening Newsletter!

Remember to bookmark and!

And now that TruthSocial is available to EVERYONE via web browser, make sure you Follow Me and we’re friends!

This is me 👉

And now for today’s news…

We start with this:

This Major U.S. Airport Will Implement Biometric Facial Recognition Technology at All Gates by 2023

Sounds absolutely horrible.

The machine is soon to take over.

Imagine not being able to board a plane because they don’t like what you posted on Facebook!

It’s coming folks…

So sad to see this:

30-Year-Old Runner Collapses After Finishing Brooklyn Half Marathon, Dies at Hospital

I am so tired of reporting on these stories…

And how about this?

Has the WSJ finally woken up to the Election Fraud?

Wall Street Journal Piece Claims Democrats Rigged 2020 Census

There will come a time when they will ALL be forced to cover it or go out of business…

Coming soon!

I am really excited to share this next one with you…

After DirecTV banned OANN, I went looking for an alternative.

Imagine how happy I was to not only find something that carried OANN but also every other channel I need….oh, and did I mention it’s $18.95/mo?

You’re welcome!

Switch & Save Active Now For DirecTV Replacement: Anti-Woke, Christian Owned, Save $100+/mo!

This is so awesome:

Russian Prank Call Duo Tricks George Bush To Talk About Ukraine Biolabs

GWB war criminal?

Just wait till you see what comes out…

I have sources who tell me he will be the “first arrest that shocks the world”.

Watch and see!

Funny to see his name suddenly back in the news.

And you’re really going to love this:

PROOF 2020 WAS RIGGED – with Robin Bullock [Elijah Streams]

Next we have Elon who appears to be gearing up to go on the offensive:

Elon Musk Looking For Streetfighters: “There will be blood!”

Go Elon go!

Just watch out for….👇

Updated Clinton Kill List: The List of People “Who Mysteriously Died” After Being Associates With The Clintons [May 2022]

And I love showing you this…

Back in March 2022, Bo Polny told us this and he’s now been proven right yet again!

Bo Polny FLASHBACK: Weaponized Smallpox Coming Next!

How cool is this?

FROM NOAH: Yes, I’m A Proud “UltraMAGA”, How About You?

And we end with our top story…

They said it was Conspiracy Theory until today it was proven true and admitted by the Pfizer CEO himself.

Don’t believe me?

Watch for yourself:

Pfizer CEO: Microchips In Pills Are REAL and Coming Soon!

We live in a scary world.

We are living in Revelation times, I do believe.

How about you?

Write me back and let me know your thoughts.

Your friend,



Something brand new for you tonight…

How awesome is this?  #UltraMAGA baby!

And I can get you 50% off for a limited time.

Who loves ya baby?

Check availability and sizes here:



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