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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/23/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter.

Huge day today and I am so excited to show you everything I have!

Quick reminder before we get started, to make sure you never miss a breaking alert during the day, here are 3 quick tips:

1️⃣ Bookmark the homepage here:

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(I post the most here during the day, using it kind of like my personal notebook or diary of interesting things I am finding all day long)

Ok, now let’s hit the news because it was a HUGE and FUN day!

Of course we have to start in the BRONX baby!

New York City!

Bronx Residents Ready for Change – Highly Anticipating President Trump Rally!

We did a Live Watch Party that you can join here -- or watch later on in replay if you missed it:

President Trump Is LIVE With a MASSIVE Rally In The Bronx! WATCH HERE!

We are absolutely going to win New York and win 2024 in a LANDSLIDE!

Check out these awesome highlights:

Bronx Rally Highlights: Trump Receives MASSIVE Welcome in One of the Bluest Counties

Next, another great legal update today:

Trump’s Hush Money Trial: Ex-FEC Chief Deals Major Blow to Case

And we haven't talked much about this recently, but now a criminal investigation has been opened up:

JUST IN: Criminal Investigation Launched Into Matthew Perry’s Death

Then we have something truly awful, but rather than ignore it I choose to shine a light on it and shine the truth!

PURE SACRILEGE: Rainbow Priest Claims Jesus Was “Bisexual”

Next we have a couple nice moves of support coming from Hollywood.

First here:

‘Die Hard’ Actor Slams Left’s ‘Hypocrisy,’ Says ‘Blacklisting Is A Real Thing’ For Hollywood Conservatives

Then here:

‘A Sign Of Friendship’: Former ‘SNL’ Star Showed Up In Court To Support Trump

This next report is massive news and almost no one is talking about it:

UPDATE: Joe Biden Still Not Qualified For The General Election Ballot In Ohio — “No Legally Acceptable Remedy”

You may have noticed Gold and Silver hitting new All Time Highs recently (gee, I wonder who was telling you about them so much over the past year.....) and now here's an update on what to do next:

Faith-Driven Gold Company Issues Warning About “Going To The Moon” Gold Price Predictions

Then we have my favorite story of the day....

Absolutely an incredible campaign slogan:

Missouri MAGA Candidate Has The Best Campaign Slogan You’ve Ever Heard

This lady is awesome!

You do NOT mess with Colombian women!

And we end with our top story:

Chaos in Court: Shouting Erupts During Trump’s Classified Documents Case


It's getting wild over there, but Judge Cannon is doing a great job!

Ok, I have to run.

Your friend,



Sometimes the best thing you can do is get information...

Educate yourself!

That's why I love my job so much, because I get to help get the TRUTH out there each and every day.  

So powerful.

And one thing I talk a lot about is Gold.

You probably know I love it (because it's God's Money) but you may not know exactly WHY or how powerful it is. 

If you'd like to learn more, TAP HERE to grab this completely free 12-Page Gold Guide from my friends at Genesis Gold, I think it will help you a lot -- or just go direct to (that's my page):


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