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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/7/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.
Wow, so much to show you tonight, starting with incredible news:
And I don’t think it’s coming back either, I think it’s toast!
Absolutely huge news!
Next up are two disturbing reports on the COVID vaxx…..
First this:
STUDY: COVID-19 Spike Proteins Help Cancer Cells Survive and RESIST Chemotherapy
So now we know why there's so much "Turbo Cancer" now....
Because it's actually making the cancer stronger!
These people are so evil!
And then this:
Gorilla At St. Louis Zoo, Where Animals Received Covid Shots, Dies After Suffering Heart Attack
Let me ask you this.....if it can kill a massive Gorilla, what chance do we have?
Next up is something concerning....
No wrongdoing claimed on behalf of Trump or his company, but this is very odd:
Seems to me like they are trying to make an example out of any company that would DARE work with Trump.
So they try to destroy them.
That's what it feels like to me, but we will see where the dust settles.
Then we have this:
New Bill Looks To Ban Self-Checkout At Stores
I have mixed thoughts on this....
First, I don't generally like Government "banning" things and interfering with the Free Market.
And I like Self-Checkout when I only have a couple things I'm getting....it's often faster and I don't have to make small talk.
How are you?
Did you find everything you were looking for?
Just once I want to say "No, I didn't actually" and then wait to see what they're going to do about it, because I'm pretty sure I would just get the Deer In The Headlights look back.
Anyway....when I have to use these Self Checkout lanes for more than 5 items or God-forbid a whole cart, I always marvel at how these stores managed to turn US into their Employees! What a racket!
I also always wonder when my check is going to arrive.
I keep watching the mailbox, but so far they must be lost in transit.
Moving on....
This is strange:
Former Georgia Republican Lt. Governor Says He Will Vote For Biden Over Trump
And big news from the formerly-known-as "Boy Scouts":
Boy Scouts of America Changes Name To Be More Inclusive, Here’s The New Name
They claim the new name is "more inclusive" for girls.
Silly me, I thought the name change was to try and make everyone forget about the raping of minors by pedo "Pack Leaders".
Guess that wasn't the problem, just the fact it wasn't "inclusive" enough.
Kristi Noem is back in the news (again) and she is NOT backing down from her dog thing:
This is interesting:
I don't expect him to respond.
And this next one is VERY strange:
Pastor Preaches Entire Sermon Then Casually Mentions His Wife Is Dead By Gunshot To The Head
He may have absolutely nothing to do with it, but it's just a very strange way to handle things.
What do you all think of this next one?
And I absolutely LOVED this today:
MAGA Country is awesome people!
The Dems are not....
The Dems proved once again how WILDLY RACIST they are.
This is unreal:
Dem NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Says ‘Black Kids … Don’t Even Know What The Word ‘Computer’ Is’
And we end with our top story....
I love how President Trump keeps outsmarting them:
BRILLIANT: Trump Expertly Avoids Violating Judge Merchan’s Unconstitutional Gag Order (Video)
Ok, gotta run
See you back here tomorrow.
Your friend,
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