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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/8/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here…Happy Monday!

Sorry this is late tonight, crazy day.

Let’s start with my favorite story of the day, two guys I like a lot:

Hall-of-Fame NFL Quarterback Stands With Tucker Carlson, Says It’s “Time to Boycott Fox”

Next we go to this…

I’m not sold on Robert Kennedy Jr.

I’m not convinced he’s not a plant.

And I’m not suddenly jumping to the Democrat ship.

Sorry, not happening.

But….I do like that he’s on Hannity waking up a ton of “normies” with this message:

Robert Kennedy Jr. Accuses the CIA of Rigging Elections and Assassinating Leaders

And we learned this today:

Cause of Death For Ray Liotta Revealed

The most interest report from the day is next:

Google Co-Founder Named in Jeffrey Epstein Lawsuit Gone Missing?

Followed by the most disgusting:

Chelsea Clinton & WHO Announce ‘Largest Childhood Immunization Effort Ever’

This next one really pisses me off.

Get ready for a LOT more work:

Here’s the Appliance the Biden Administration is Coming After Next

Speaking of Tucker, I told you this last week….

Happening now?

Elon Musk To Hire Tucker Carlson?

And we end with our top story.

A reminder from me to you.

This happens in two days, and all I can say is you don’t want to miss this:

Noah Here…And I Need HELP!

There you go…

I warned ya!

Don’t complain to me later if you miss it.

Gotta run….see you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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Growing faster than I can keep up!

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