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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/15/22



Hey friends,

Noah here….and Happy Friday!

Hope your week was awesome and you’re ready for a great weekend!

Quick update on the Trump Won hat I gave you a sneak peak on last night.

As expected, a ton have already been claimed and we only have a small batch, so if you want one grab yours before they’re gone.

Do NOT send me angry emails after the link says “SOLD OUT”…I warned ya!

If you want one (FREE):

Ok, now on with today’s news…

And as I always say, they love to bury big stories right before the weekend.

Like this:

Ivana Trump: “Blunt Impact Injuries” Caused Death | Questions Linger

Anyone else having flashbacks to Bob Saget?

Are you buying this “official report”?

I don’t know, sounds fishy to me and seems very improbable, but what do I know, I’m not a doctor…

Speaking of doctors, they aren’t too impressed with the Resident:

“Biden Won’t Finish His Term,” Says Former White House Physician, “His Mind is Too Far Gone”

This is really horrific but must be shown:

Born-Alive Infants Left to Die After Botched Abortions, Report Shows

And I know I’m always telling you about Mike Lindell’s pillows and sheets but the real secret is his mattress!

I bought one about a year ago and it was the best thing I ever did!

Details here:

The Reason I LOVE My Mattress From MyPillow (Plus Freebies)

When this story first broke I told you it sounded “off”.

Today we learn more:

Story of 10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim Takes Strange Twist, Mother Says Child is ‘Fine’ and Everything About Alleged Rapist is a ‘Lie’ (WATCH)

And what is this slithery snake doing?

Newsom Makes SECRET Visit To White House When Biden’s Not There

Next up is something positive.

Because we could use more of that right about now.

The best story you’ll see all week:

WATCH: Hero Rescues 5 Children From Burning Home

Oh and you didn’t forget about this, did you?

Don’t Forget, Trump Has An ACTIVE Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton!

Because I’ve received a lot of emails asking about this recently, I’m re-running this one to bring everyone up to speed.

Buckle up, this one might offend some people:

Do You Know The Secret History of The Khazarian Mafia (The “Name Stealers”)?

Speaking of being offended, I’d love to have the Mean Tweeter and $1.87 gas back!

Today only:

I Miss Mean Tweets and $1.87 Gas! [Today Only]

And we end with our top story:

BREAKING: Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas Resigns, Disbands Government


Told you it was a big day!

Your friend,



This blue “Trump Won” hat was our most popular hat we’ve ever posted.

For obvious reasons.

But they sold out quick and we couldn’t get any more in until now.

And now we FINALLY have a new small batch coming in.  

The Newsletter gets first dibs on these and I can’t promise they will last long.

I also can’t promise they will ever come back in stock once they’re gone.

Oh….did I mention they are FREE?

Check availability here…👇



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