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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/14/22



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your weekly wrap up — the Sunday Night Newsletter.

A lot to show you today, starting with good old (and I emphasize the old…) Nancy Pelosi:

Nancy Pelosi: “Devastating Loss”

How hilarious is that?

Also, Nanc…it’s called Botox — use some, you have millions from illegal stock trades, right?  ALLLLLLLEGEDLY!

And we stick with Nancy for our second article, this is really quite telling…

Listen as she explains EXACTLY what they did to Donald Trump for 7+ years:

Nancy Pelosi Breaks Down How The “Wrap Up Smear” Works

Thanks for owning up to it!

And more truth comes up….Liz Cheney and her husband have been fully exposed:

BREAKING: Liz Cheney’s Husband Is A Partner At Law Firm Defending Hunter Biden!

Don’t you love it when truth breaks free?

Only 2 more days until this piggy is voted OUT of office!

You know she’s already lost when the WaPo is writing stuff like this:

Bye bye RINO!

Next we have a brand new prophetic update from Timothy Dixon:

Timothy Dixon: DANGER, DANGER, DREAM, Shot’s Fired, A Desperate Attempt

And Amanda Grace explaining the prophetic significance of the Mar-A-Lago raid:


Then we have a major story…

It might sound good, but it’s not:

Debt Jubilee Declared In America…Billions To Be Wiped Out?

But this is awesome from Mike Lindell:

Introducing Mike Lindell’s New “Amazon Rival”…Get Excited!

Then we have Donald Trump himself posting a “Storm is Upon Us” video….

Right, what are the odds:

STORM IS UPON US: President Trump Posts “Storm” Video

Speaking of Donald Trump, I thought this was very important to see on this Sunday:

The Untold Story of Donald Trump’s Bible | Hebrides Revival

Do not underestimate the importance of what is in that article!

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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I know it’s been a cesspool for the far-left, but I’m banking on Elon getting the deal closed and quickly turning it around.

And we want to be there when he does.

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