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Sold-Out Madison Square Garden Concert Chants “Let’s Go Brandon”



More than 13,000 rowdy country music fans filled NYC’s Madison Square Garden on Wednesday night for Morgan Wallen’s tour opener.

Chants of “Let’s Go Brandon” and “USA” reportedly echoed throughout the famous arena.

According to Country Now:

Fans packed into the Garden early to see the East Tennessee native, with the crowd capacity at 92%, a full 75 minutes before he took the stage.

13,237 fans welcomed Wallen to MSG decibel levels averaging 30dBs louder than the average game at the arena, according to a press release.

“My name is Morgan Wallen,” he said to the audience. “We were supposed to start our tour in Indiana, but the good Lord had other plans, so for 2022, our first show is right here in Madison Square Garden.”

Rolling Stone stated:

Separating the artist from his art is one thing; separating him from his fanbase is another altogether. As early as the first song, chants of “U-S-A” filled the arena (with at least one fan quick to take credit for starting it on Twitter). Even more forceful was a wave of “Let’s go Brandon” refrains, a euphemism for “Fuck Joe Biden.” The two occasionally were pitted against each other, with “Brandon” winning out each time. (A meager attempt to counter with “Let’s go Morgan” didn’t catch fire.) If politics aren’t supposed to be the issue for Wallen or his followers, they linger not too far from view.

Wallen, however, had the last word. After tearing through a 23-song, hour-and-40-minute set that included a cameo by opener Hardy and a duet with Ernest on their collab “Flower Shop” (which they performed at the Grand Ole Opry in January), he prowled every corner of the stage, pumping his chest and pointing triumphantly into the crowd. “We ain’t going nowhere,” Wallen declared, returning to the end of the catwalk, “and neither are you.”



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