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U.S. Set To Shell Out $712 Per Patient For Merck Covid Pill



If shots weren’t enough for these people, now they want to make money pushing pills.

Covid-19 pills will soon be a reality, and readily available on The U.S. drug market.

According to the latest reports, The United States is willing to pay a whopping $712 per patient to receive Merck’s experimental Covid-19 pill treatment.

I have said it countless times before, and I will say it again: if you ever had any doubt that this was about money, please lay that doubt to rest right now.

$700 per treatment for a flu-like virus is beyond ludicrous, and is indication of a systemic failure of the highest order.

Our ‘healthcare’ system is an absolute catastrophe, and these problems existed long before Biden usurped The White House.

Here’s more on the latest medical cash grab by large pharmaceutical corporations like Merck:

The Epoch Times brought the story to our attention:

Merck is set to get $712 per treatment course for its COVID-19 pill from the U.S. government—even as it costs a fraction of that to produce, and is reportedly on track for a price of $12 in India.

The gap between production costs and the price for molnupiravir is gigantic and emblematic of a problem some say requires Congress or the U.S. government to intervene, implementing price caps or utilizing so-called march-in rights. Others, though, warn that such measures would curb innovation and lead to fewer drugs coming onto the market.

A recent study finds that a simple aspirin can reduce the risks of Covid, as reported by The Jerusalem Post:

Over-the-counter aspirin could protect the lungs of COVID-19 patients and minimize the need for mechanical ventilation, according to new research at the George Washington University.

The team investigated more than 400 COVID patients from hospitals across the United States who take aspirin unrelated to their COVID disease, and found that the treatment reduced the risk of several parameters by almost half: reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%, ICU admissions by 43%, and overall in-hospital mortality by 47%.


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