Virginia Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin Will NOT Stop Local Governments From Enforcing COVID Mandates

When Glenn Youngkin won the race for Virginia governor, there was a wave of excitement for Republicans across the country.
The Virginia red wave was a referendum on Biden’s destructive policies and Democrat control of the state.
But that wave of exhilaration was short-lived when Youngkin announced his stance on local COVID mandates.
While Youngkin doesn’t want to enforce mandates at the state level, he won’t protect his constituents from local governments that violate their rights.
It’s an act of cowardice that indicates he’s unwilling to stop mask and COVID-19 jab mandates.
If some Virginians want to wear a mask and take bi-annual boosters forever, then that’s their choice.
But Youngkin’s statement indicates he won’t fight for Virginians who reject medical tyranny waged upon them.
Glenn Youngkin will allow local governments to impose vaccine mandates
— Jack Po-So-Bik (@JackPosobiec) November 18, 2021
Despite campaigning on a promise to stop vaccine and mask mandates at the state level, Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin is fine with deep blue Virginia cities, counties, and school districts imposing their own vax and mask mandates.
— National File (@NationalFile) November 17, 2021 weighed in:
After his inaugural ceremony on Jan. 15, Youngkin said he will not mandate masks and vaccines but–unlike some Republican governors–he will not attempt to block localities from implementing their own requirements.
“Localities are going to have to make decisions the way the law works and that is going to be up to individual decisions but, again, from the governor’s office, you won’t see mandates from me,” Youngkin clarified in a one-on-one interview over the weekend.
Those comments come a few days after a federal judge ruled that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order prohibiting localities from requiring masks in schools violated the Americans with Disabilities Act by putting students with underlying conditions at risk and hindering their access to in-person instruction. The judge is now barring that order from being enforced.
Despite being described as an “anti-vaxxer” by critics on the campaign trail, Youngkin called himself a “staunch supporter” of the vaccine.
“My family has gotten it. I’ve gotten it. I think it’s the best way for people to protect themselves,” Youngkin said.
As governor, Youngkin should fight for the rights and bodily autonomy of all his constituents.
Virginians that live in deep-blue cities and counties will virtually be on their own to fight illegal mandates.
If Youngkin won’t fight unjust medical mandates, it’s not much better than having a Democrat in office.
Adults and children around Virginia may be at the mercy of medical tyrants and could potentially lose their freedom of choice.
And it will happen under Youngkin’s watch.
From National File:
Virginia Republican Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin will reportedly allow local mask and vaccine mandates to be implemented, including in K-12 public schools.
Glenn Youngkin, the Republican Governor-elect of Virginia, will be allowing localities in the state – including cities, counties, and public school systems – to implement mask and vaccine mandates, but says he will not impose a mandate at the state level. This differs from Republican governors in stronghold states like Florida, which have banned the practice of mandating vaccines outright.
His inaction against local mandates breaks away from the language echoed on the Virginia gubernatorial race debate stage.
cont. from National File:
Youngkin’s ultimately successful gubernatorial campaign was largely centered on fixing Virginia’s broken public school system, ending tyrannical COVID-19 lockdowns, and stopping mandates. During a debate with failed Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe, Youngkin slammed his opponent for wanting “employers to fire employees who don’t get the vaccine.”
When pressed further by NBC’s Chuck Todd, who was moderating the debate and asked the Virginia Republican whether he believed that “measles, mumps or rubella is a personal choice,” Youngkin emphasized that “the data associated with those vaccines is something that we should absolutely understand the difference between this vaccine.”
But once he’s sworn into office, Youngkin will allow radical school boards to implement the same tyrannical policies on innocent children.
It’s an act of cowardice that shows Youngkin isn’t truly a fighter for his constituents.
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