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WATCH: Matthew McConaughey Shoots Back Against The Covid Cult



Matthew McConaughey is more conservative than your typical Hollywood celebrity.

The 52 year old actor sat down with the media recently to share his views on Covid-19, vaccine mandates, and whether or not young children, 5-11 years of age, should be vaccinated.

Liberals of course had a meltdown, but that has never stopped the star from airing his conservative viewpoints in the past.

McConaughey points out what I have been saying for months now; namely, that when the dust settles someone is going to be proven dead wrong.

With all the information that has been coming out over the last several months I am willing to wager a lot that we won’t be the one’s who were wrong, or who greatly exaggerated this whole thing.

As I have said numerous times, when these leftists are proven wrong, who is going to tolerate them?

Can we truly share a country with people we now know would have outright been avid members of the party in either Hitler or Stalin’s states?

I think the answer to that question is painfully clear: we cannot.

In the interests of peace, when the dust settles I believe that we should begin having the conversation about a national divorce. We are in a loveless marriage, and a house divided cannot stand.

Here’s more of what McConaughey had to say:

People Magazine sought to clarify some of his recent comments:

“When asked my opinion on the subject of children and vaccination mandates I stated, ‘I couldn’t mandate it for kids just yet.’ What was not clear is that I was referring specifically to the 5-11 year old mandate,” he explained.

McConaughey continued, “What is NOT true, and insinuated with the clickbait headlines since, is that I am against vaccinating children at all. This is false. In fact, our eldest 13-year-old son Levi is fully vaccinated for COVID-19.”

The Surgeon General shot back according to NBC News:

On Tuesday evening, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy responded to McConaughey, telling CNN that clinical trials found the shot to be “remarkably safe” and more than 90 percent effective in children 5 to 11 years old.

“Covid is not harmless in our children. Many kids have died, sadly. Hundreds of children, thousands, have been hospitalized,” he said.



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