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World Economic Forum Dumps Putin



The World Economic Forum just announced that it is ‘freezing’ relations with Vladimir Putin.

Many conservatives and libertarians alike suspect the World Economic Forum of supporting a new world order agenda, and indeed the organization is the same one behind “the great reset” initiative.

While attacks on citizens are never encouraged, many theories abound as to why Putin attacked Ukraine.

Recent allegations by the Russian Ministry of Defense claim that the U.S. is funding bioweapon research in Ukraine, and reports have since revealed that these claims are almost certainly true.

Other claims relate to U.S. natural resource interests in Europe, and the selling of ‘freedom gas’, while I myself  believe that this is a petrodollar war that will redefine the global reserve currency.

No matter the claims, no matter the allegations, one thing is certain: there are many moving parts on the geopolitical stage which have been shifting for the last 2 years…

Here’s more on the story:

According to The Epoch Times:

“We are not engaging with any sanctioned individual and have frozen all relations with Russian entities,” Amanda Russo, a spokesperson for the Davos, Switzerland-based group, told Politico this week.

The development comes as the United States, European Union, Canada, and several other countries placed heavy sanctions on Russia’s banking sector, Russian oligarchs, and Putin himself. A swath of Western-based corporations also said they will not do business inside the country anymore, citing the conflict.

Politico explains:

Putin and his predecessor as president, Dmitry Medvedev, have addressed WEF five times from 2007 to 2021. Putin was even invited to speak in January 2015, in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Crimea, but he turned down the invitation.

Introducing Putin to a virtual Davos gathering in January 2021, Schwab called Putin’s voice “essential” in world affairs, echoing a comment from 2009 that he could not think of a single issue of global importance that could be solved without Russia’s involvement. The pair last met in mid-2021, when Schwab told Putin of the “particular importance” he attaches to Russian representatives taking part in Davos events.



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