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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/1/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter…

Well happy February to you!

Wow, where did that whole month go?

This year is flying by already.

Ok tonight we start with more red flashing light warnings that I hope you take very seriously…..

Remember the banking crisis from last year?

When 4 banks all crashed within a few weeks of each other?

Well, that was stopped when the Fed introduced something called the Bank Term Funding Program.

And guess what?

That ends on March 11 — and it is NOT being renewed:

WARNING: The Program That Stopped The Banking Crash Last Year Is Ending On March 11th

I expect that's why we saw this happen already this week -- the early cracks are starting to show, and I fear it will only get much worse:

Bank Crash 2.0 Incoming? Another Bank On The Verge Of Collapse — Death Candle — Trading Halted!

But the pressure is coming from all angles...

Remember how I also keep warning you about the BRICS?

And how it will dethrone the US Dollar?

Now every major oil producer is part of the BRICS and soon will come the "flip the switch" moment when they say they're no longer dealing in US Dollars.

And when that happens you've got an overnight crisis worse than 2008:

BREAKING: Iran Officially Joins BRICS

But it's not just here and not just the Middle East....

China is collapsing too:

China’s Largest Real Estate Developer COLLAPSES

It's bad folks!

Don't say I didn't warn you!

Ok, moving on, let's go to something else very bad:

INSIDER REVEALS: “White House Wants To Replace Kamala, Biden In Decline”

Been telling you this was coming.

Some of you get very angry when I report on this and want to fight me, but I just report what I see.

But this is interesting:

Arabs And Muslims Are Seeking To Flip The State Of Michigan AGAINST Biden

Next up is my favorite story of the day....

Big shout out to "Wayne" who sent me this.

I hadn't seen it, but it was an article about a lady who "escaped the dangerous conspiracy theory world of Trump and QAnon!"

But here's what really caught my eye about that....I swear I had read that article before.

And so I dug in and researched and found that essentially the same article has been written 4 different times.

Can you say "propaganda"?

I explain (and expose) it all right here:

Meet The People Who Keep “Escaping Conspiracy Theories”

Please share that!

And remember last week when a photo went viral of Trump with red spots on his hands?

Well, today he addressed it:

Trump Makes Statement About Red Marks Spotted On Hands

Are top story of the day is next:

Oregon Declares a State of Emergency

And this is drawing a ton of attention....rightly so:

STUNNING: Map Shows All Food Processing Plants That Have Burned Down, Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under Biden

And we end tonight with this good reminder:

Is It Time To Stop Supporting Target, Walmart P&G, Gillette and Bud Light? Do This Instead!

Ok, that's a wrap!

Your friend,



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But I've got more coming!

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Who loves ya baby?



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