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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/27/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.

How are you?

So great to connect with everyone as always!

Let’s start with this:

Zelensky Exposed (Literally): This Is The Guy We Are Sending Billions To?

And then let me ask you something…

Have you figured out the con yet?

Do you know how massively we are all being conned?

Our tax dollars stolen?

Most people probably have no idea, they think he’s just some poor guy in a green army jumpsuit who “got attacked” for no reason.

Give me a break!

And how about this:

Over 50% of Individuals Screened at Washington Event Show Positive Markers For Myocarditis

Very troubling.

Related….now we know what happened here:

28-Year-Old Actor Dies Suddenly Due to Enlarged Heart

Oh, and happy Black History Month!

White Students Told to Bow to Black Students, Act as Slaves for Black History Month


More here:

Former American Standout Swimmer Dies Suddenly in U.S. Virgin Islands After Found Unresponsive

It just never stops!

Never in my life have we seen this….

Why isn’t there a massive uprising?

Next up: is he already dead?

Democrats Hiding That John Fetterman is “Brain Dead” to Prevent Special Election?

I think so.

Really troubling:

VIRAL: 13yr Old White Girl Says Muslim Boys Threaten To Rape Her In School If She Doesn’t Perform Oral Sex On Them

So is this:

VIEWER WARNING: Eighth Graders Shown Condom Video

We were right all along!

Wall Street Journal FLIPS, Confirms Lab Leak Was Correct All Along!

And for the Hank Kunneman fans:

Hank Kunneman: “I Will Shake The IRS, Disney, World’s Currencies!”

Top story:

BREAKING: Katie Hobbs Controlled By Bribes, Money Laundering?

Ok, that’s a wrap!

Busy day…..I have to go get some rest, I’m wiped!

See you all back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



I’m calling on everyone to coming “Make the Switch” with me!

We’re FINALLY building out the Parallel Economy.

Stop buying from the big corporations that hate you…

Stop sending them your money each month…

Make the Switch to an American company that loves Americans!  And loves Trump supporters!

Imagine that!

Oh, and did I mention they have grass fed, Black Angus beef that has never been given hormones or antibiotics?

Yup…I told you it’s the real deal!

Because of the high demand, it’s currently Invite Only, but you know I’ve got the connection for you!

Request an FREE personal Invite here:  Request Personal Invite To Black Angus

Watch this for more:

Right now, you can request an FREE personal Invite here 👉



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