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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/18/22



Hey everyone,

Noah here and we have another loaded day in the news!

As always, it’s my pleasure to bring you the stories you may have missed…either because you were busy working and living your life or because the MSM censored them — or both!

Now let’s jump right in…

Starting with this:

Sam Harris: Hunter Biden With Corpses Of Children In His Basement!

Perhaps one of the most disturbing 2 minute interviews I have ever heard….and NOT because of what’s in the headline!

Read my full analysis and thoughts above.

Then we have Fraudci exposed in a very old video that just resurfaced:

Fauci CAUGHT On Old Video: “The Best Vaccination Is To Get Infected Yourself!”

These people lie for a living!

I think there is a guy called “The Father of Lies”…anyone ever heard of him?

Something about a bell and a bubb?

Or maybe Lucifer, right — that’s it!

Moving on to better topics, I am so excited to bring you the latest from Jonathan Cahn:

Jonathan Cahn Explains Why Everything Happened | July 2022 Prophetic Update

This truly is one you don’t want to miss.

I had to watch twice and pause many times to take notes.

Absolutely incredible everything he lays out!

It was all written down in the Bible four thousand years ago and now its playing out again in absolutely perfect detail!

Fantastic update next from Jim Jordan:

Jim Jordan Explains Why The F.B.I. Just Added Another Nail To The Coffin

And this is troubling:

Could The Mar-A-Lago Mole Be In The Family?

I will reserve comment for now.

This next one is basically one of my worst fears growing up…

I don’t know why.

We didn’t even have a drawbridge in my state, but it always terrified me:

NIGHTMARE: 77 Year Old Plunges To Death As Drawbridge Opens…

Next we have Mike Pence doing his best “LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE” impression:


Mike, just stop.

No one likes you.

Seriously, almost no one.

Go away Flyboy!

And we end with perhaps my SHORTEST ever article but one of my favorites.

I want you to imagine back to the year 2000….

CNN was still a trusted name in news.

What were you doing in 2000?

What did the world look like?

Remember, this was even pre 9/11.

If I had told you back then that CNN would in the future have a news anchor who got busted for yanking his wang live on camera during a broadcast, would you believe it?

You’d call me a conspiracy theorist or just say that was stupid.

And yet it happened and now THIS is the top search result you get:

The CNN Masturbator

Oh what wild times we live in…

That’s all for tonight, and really don’t you think that’s a perfect story to end on?

Good night my friends,



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I know it’s been a cesspool for the far-left, but I’m banking on Elon getting the deal closed and quickly turning it around.

And we want to be there when he does.

So will you give us a Follow here? 👇



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