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U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson Ends All Domestic Covid Restrictions



The state narrative surrounding Covid-19 is collapsing globally…

United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently announced the ending of all domestic Covid-19 restrictions in the tiny island nation.

This is in stark contrast to the continued draconian policies of both Australia and Canada—the two remaining strongholds of Covid-19 imposed tyranny and ’emergency’ powers.

Many praised Johnson’s actions, but there were also a few critics—namely those on the left-wing.

Other countries should take note of Johnson’s recent announcement and follow suit:

BBC News confirmed:

The prime minister told the Commons the legal requirement to self-isolate for those who tested positive would be dropped. From 1 April, he said the provision of free rapid testing would be targeted to certain sections of the population.

The £500 isolation payment for people on low incomes will also end this week. But Covid provisions for increased statutory sick pay would apply for a further month, Mr Johnson told MPs.


Sky News continued:

“Thanks to our successful vaccination programme and the sheer magnitude of people who have come forward to be jabbed we are now in a position to set out our plan for living with COVID.”

Asked if the change would mean people could go to work if they had COVID, the PM’s official spokesman had previously said “there would be guidance, that would not be what we are recommending”.



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